SLAU367P October 2012 – April 2020 MSP430FR5041 , MSP430FR5043 , MSP430FR50431 , MSP430FR5847 , MSP430FR58471 , MSP430FR5848 , MSP430FR5849 , MSP430FR5857 , MSP430FR5858 , MSP430FR5859 , MSP430FR5867 , MSP430FR58671 , MSP430FR5868 , MSP430FR5869 , MSP430FR5870 , MSP430FR5872 , MSP430FR58721 , MSP430FR5887 , MSP430FR5888 , MSP430FR5889 , MSP430FR58891 , MSP430FR5922 , MSP430FR59221 , MSP430FR5947 , MSP430FR59471 , MSP430FR5948 , MSP430FR5949 , MSP430FR5957 , MSP430FR5958 , MSP430FR5959 , MSP430FR5962 , MSP430FR5964 , MSP430FR5967 , MSP430FR5968 , MSP430FR5969 , MSP430FR5969-SP , MSP430FR59691 , MSP430FR5970 , MSP430FR5972 , MSP430FR59721 , MSP430FR5986 , MSP430FR5987 , MSP430FR5988 , MSP430FR5989 , MSP430FR5989-EP , MSP430FR59891 , MSP430FR5992 , MSP430FR5994 , MSP430FR59941 , MSP430FR6005 , MSP430FR6007 , MSP430FR6035 , MSP430FR6037 , MSP430FR60371 , MSP430FR6041 , MSP430FR6043 , MSP430FR60431 , MSP430FR6045 , MSP430FR6047 , MSP430FR60471 , MSP430FR6820 , MSP430FR6822 , MSP430FR68221 , MSP430FR6870 , MSP430FR6872 , MSP430FR68721 , MSP430FR6877 , MSP430FR6879 , MSP430FR68791 , MSP430FR6887 , MSP430FR6888 , MSP430FR6889 , MSP430FR68891 , MSP430FR6920 , MSP430FR6922 , MSP430FR69221 , MSP430FR6927 , MSP430FR69271 , MSP430FR6928 , MSP430FR6970 , MSP430FR6972 , MSP430FR69721 , MSP430FR6977 , MSP430FR6979 , MSP430FR69791 , MSP430FR6987 , MSP430FR6988 , MSP430FR6989 , MSP430FR69891
32 ADC12MEMx conversion memory registers store the conversion results. Each ADC12MEMx is configured with an associated ADC12MCTLx control register. The ADC12VRSEL bits define the voltage reference, and the ADC12INCHx and ADC12DIF bits select the input channels. The ADC12EOS bit defines the end of sequence when a sequential conversion mode is used. A sequence rolls over from ADC12MEM31 to ADC12MEM0 when the ADC12EOS bit in ADC12MCTL31 is not set.
The CSTARTADDx bits define the first ADC12MCTLx used for any conversion. If the conversion mode is single-channel or repeat-single-channel, the CSTARTADDx points to the single ADC12MCTLx to be used.
If the conversion mode selected is either sequence-of-channels or repeat-sequence-of-channels, CSTARTADDx points to the first ADC12MCTLx location to be used in a sequence. A pointer, not visible to software, is incremented automatically to the next ADC12MCTLx in sequence when each conversion completes. The sequence continues until an ADC12EOS bit in ADC12MCTLx is processed; this is, the last control byte processed.
When conversion results are written to a selected ADC12MEMx, the corresponding flag in the ADC12IFGRx register is set.
There are two formats available to read the conversion result from ADC12MEMx. When ADC12DF = 0, the conversion is right justified and unsigned. For ADC12DF = 0 with ADC12DIF = 0 and 8-bit, 10-bit, and 12-bit resolutions, the upper 8, 6, and 4 bits, respectively, of an ADC12MEMx read are always zeros. To convert a ADC12DIF = 1 to binary unsigned, the maximum negative value is added to the conversion. Therefore, 128 is added for 8-bit conversions, 512 is added for 10-bit conversions, and 2048 is added for 12-bit conversions.
When ADC12DF = 1, the conversion result is left justified and two's complement. For 8-bit, 10-bit, and 12-bit resolutions, the lower 8, 6, and 4 bits, respectively, of a ADC12MEMx read are always zeros.
Table 34-1 summarizes the output data formats.
Analog Input Voltage Range | ADC12DIF | ADC12DF | ADC12RES | Ideal Conversion Results
(With Offset Added When ADC12DIF = 1) |
ADC12MEMx Read Value |
Vin to VR-:
VR- to +VR+ |
0 | 0 | 00 | 0 to 255 | 0000h to 00FFh |
0 | 0 | 01 | 0 to 1023 | 0000h to 03FFh | |
0 | 0 | 10 | 0 to 4095 | 0000h to 0FFFh | |
0 | 1 | 00 | -128 to 127 | 8000h to 7F00h | |
0 | 1 | 01 | -512 to 511 | 8000h to 7FC0h | |
0 | 1 | 10 | -2048 to 2047 | 8000h to 7FF0h | |
Vin+ to Vin-:
VR- to +VR+ |
1 | 0 | 00 | -128 to 127
(0 to 255) |
0000h to 00FFh |
1 | 0 | 01 | -512 to 511
(0 to 1023) |
0000h to 03FFh | |
1 | 0 | 10 | -2048 to 2047
(0 to 4095) |
0000h to 0FFFh | |
1 | 1 | 00 | -128 to 127 | 8000h to 7F00h | |
1 | 1 | 01 | -512 to 511 | 8000h to 7FC0h | |
1 | 1 | 10 | -2048 to 2047 | 8000h to 7FF0h |