29.3.2 Real-Time Clock Event/Tamper Detection With Time Stamp
This feature is available only on selected devices. See the device-specific data sheet to determine if this feature is available.
The RTC_C module provides an external event or tamper detection and time stamp for up to two external events. The pins RTCCAP0 and RTCCAP1 (1) can be used as an event or tamper detection input of an external switch (mechanical or electronic). After device power-up, this feature can be enabled by setting the TCEN bit in the RTCTCCTL0 register. Event and tamper detection with time stamp is supported in all MSP430 operating modes, as long as there is a valid RTC power supply.
1. These pins are present only on devices that support this feature of RTC_C. Refer to the device-specific data sheet to determine the availability of this feature.
When there is an event on RTCCAPx pin and the time capture feature is enabled (TCEN = 1), the corresponding CAPEV bit in RTCCAPxCTL register is set and the corresponding time stamp information (seconds, minutes, hours, day of month, month and year) is stored in the respective backup registers (RTCSECBAKx, RTCMINBAKx, RTCHOURBAKx, RTCDAYBAKx, RTCMONBAKx and RTCYEARBAKx).
In case of multiple events, ONLY the time stamp of the event that occurred first is stored in the respective backup registers. After CAPEV is set by the first event on RTCCAPx, all subsequent events on RTCCAPx are ignored until the CAPEV bit is cleared by the user.
The CAPES bit in the RTCCAPxCTL register sets the event edge for the corresponding RTCCAPx pin.
Bit = 0: CAPEV flag is set with a low-to-high transition.
Bit = 1: CAPEV flag is set with a high-to-low transition.
Writing to CAPESx
Writing to CAPES can result in setting the corresponding interrupt flags.
0 → 1
May be set
0 → 1
1 → 0
1 → 0
May be set
The interrupt flag RTCCAPIFG is set when any of the individual CAPEV bits are set. If the RTCIV is read, RTCCAPIFG is cleared but not the status flags (CAPEV bits). They are then read by the CPU and must be cleared by software only.
By setting the RTCCAPIE bit, an event on RTCCAPx generates an interrupt. This interrupt can be used as LPM3.5 or LPM4.5 wake-up event in modules that support LPM3.5 or LPM4.5.
When the time capture feature is enabled (TCEN = 1), all of the backup registers (RTCSECBAKx, RTCMINBAKx, RTCHOURBAKx, RTCDAYBAKx, RTCMONBAKx, and RTCYEARBAKx) are read-only to user and can be written only by the RTC hardware. When RTCBCD = 1 and TCEN = 1, BCD format is selected for the backup registers. If the backup registers were written to by the hardware before TCEN was set, then the previous values are retained until there is a time capture event that overrides the values with the time stamp.
When the time capture feature is disabled (TCEN = 0), all of the backup registers (RTCSECBAKx, RTCMINBAKx, RTCHOURBAKx, RTCDAYBAKx, RTCMONBAKx, and RTCYEARBAKx) can be written only by the CPU. When TCEN = 0, the RTCBCD bit setting is ignored for the backup registers. The data in the backup registers when TCEN = 1 is retained until the user writes new values after TCEN is cleared.
When TCEN is cleared, all CAPEV bits and RTCCAPIFG are cleared.
Table 29-1 shows how to use the DIR, REN, and OUT bits in RTCCAPxCTL for proper configuration of RTCCAPx pins.