SLAU834 October 2020 ISO7760 , ISO7762 , MSP432E401Y , TPS92520-Q1 , TPS92682-Q1
This section shows the detailed instructions for checking if there is an update and how to install it. Run the TPS92518, 520, 682 LaunchPad Evaluation Software and go to the Help menu, see Figure 4-20.
Click Check for Updates > to run updater.
Click the Yes button to accept risks for accessing the Internet.
Go to the LEDMCUEVM-132 (PSIL-132) and locate J15 and RESET_SW1. Install shorting jumper at J15 locations as illustrated and then press the RESET_SW1 as Figure 4-23 shows. This places the MCU in Bootloader mode.
Click the Yes button to run the updater. The LPP Updater will run and once finished will ask if you would like to re-launch the GUI applications.
Click the Yes button to re-launch the GUI.
A window appears indicating the the LEDMCUEVM-132 must be changed from bootloader mode to normal mode. This is accomplished by removing the shorting jumper from J15 then pressing the RESET_SW1 switch and wait 3 seconds to ensure device drivers reload, see Figure 4-26.
Click the OK button to restart the GUI.