The following figure shows the top level clocking tree for MSPM0Lxx family devices. This diagram shows the mapping between oscillators (sources) and clocks (destinations), as
well as the SYSCTL register bit fields for the selection muxes. Note that not all devices have all clock system features shown in this figure.
Figure 2-5 MSPM0Cxx Top Level Clock Tree
LFCLK and MFCLK are fixed-frequency 32kHz and 4MHz clocks, respectively, that can be selected by certain peripherals for ensuring a constant clock rate even when MCLK or ULPCLK changes source or rate. LFCK and MFCLK are always synchronized to each other and to MCLK and ULPCLK.
TIMG8 (general purpose timers) receive an ungated LFCLK and ULPCLK, enabling them to continue operating even in STANDBY1 when STOPCLKSTBY is asserted to gate the LFCLK and ULPCLK to all other peripherals to save additional power in STANDY mode.