Capability Container
The format for the CC for Type 2 tags is specified in the NFC Forum Type 2 Tag Operation Specification. Version 1.2 was used to write this application report.
- Byte 0 – This value is the 'magic number' and must always be equal to 0xE1 to indicate that NDEF data is stored.
- Byte 1 – This value indicates the reader which mapping specification is being used by the tag.
- Byte 2 – This value indicates the memory size of the data sections for the Type 2 tag. This value must be multiplied by 8 to get the total memory size of the data section in Bytes.
- Byte 3 – This value indicates the Read/Write access capabilities of the Type 2 tag. The most significant nibble is for Read access. A value of 0x0 means the tag can be read from without any security. The least significant nibble is for Write access. A value of 0x0 means the tag can be written to without any security, and a value of 0xF means that the tag is Read Only.