SLVUCZ9 July 2024 DRV81004-Q1 , DRV81008-Q1 , DRV81620-Q1
If the EVM does not connect to the GUI, then read through this FAQ:[FAQ] Why won't my Motor Driver EVM connect to the GUI?.
On Rev A of the EVMs, the 10uF VM capacitor (C2 on DRV81602-Q1) is only rated for 25V, though the motor drivers are rated for 40V. Applying more than 24V to the EVM is likely to cause this capacitor to rapidly disassemble. This capacitor can be removed from the EVM without affecting the functionality of the device.
On Rev A of the EVMs, the input fuse F1 is rated for 32V. If >32V is applied this fuse can blow even under nominal current conditions. Connect VM to a VM test point after the fuse to bypass this fuse.