SNAU250 November 2020 HDC2010 , HDC2021 , HDC2022 , HDC2080
The measured temperature and humidity data are sent to the output register: TEMP_LOW, TEMP_HIGH, RH_LOW and RH_HIGH. The complete temperature and humidity data are represented as 16-bit numbers, so in order to translate to real world values it is necessary to concatenate the low and high register like so:
Convert the output value
Please note, these values are not in two's complement, so it is necessary to convert temperature and humidity to °C and %RH respectively using the following equations.
Temperature Calculation Example:
1. Output registers:
Temperature value in hex:
Temperature value in decimal:
Temperature value in degree C:
2. Output registers:
Temperature value in hex:
Temperature value in decimal:
Temperature value in degree C:
Humidity Calculation Example:
Output registers:
Humidity value in hex:
Humidity value in decimal:
Humidity value in %RH: