SNIU028D February 2016 – September 2020 UCD3138 , UCD3138064 , UCD3138064A , UCD3138128 , UCD3138A , UCD3138A64
Setting the MSYNC_SLAVE_EN bit enables the DPWM channel to be slaved to the sync output of another DPWM channel. This bit works together with the DPWMx_SYNC_SEL bits in the DPWMMUX register in Chapter 5. The sample code below makes DPWM1 a slave to DPWM0:
LoopMuxRegs.DPWMMUX.bit.DPWM1_SYNC_SEL = 0; //DPWM1 is slave to DPWM0
Dpwm1Regs.DPWMCTRL0.bit.MSYNC_SLAVE_EN = 1; //enable slave mode for DPWM1
This bit is not duplicated in the AMS registers.