SNOA949 May   2016 LDC1312 , LDC1312-Q1 , LDC1314 , LDC1314-Q1 , LDC1612 , LDC1612-Q1 , LDC1614 , LDC1614-Q1


  1.   Power Reduction Techniques for the Multichannel LDCs in Inductive Sensing Applications
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 Duty Cycling
      1. 2.1 Operational Parameters That Affect Duty Cycling
    4. 3 Clock Gating
    5. 4 Test Setup
    6. 5 Measurement Results
      1. 5.1 Measurements with Internal Clock
      2. 5.2 Current Consumption Measurements vs Data Conversion Time
        1. 5.2.1 Data Readback Overhead
        2. 5.2.2 Comparison of Measured and Estimated Current Consumption
          1. Estimating Current Consumption
        3. 5.2.3 Results
    7. 6 Summary


Duty-cycling and clock gating are effective techniques that can be implemented in order to minimize power consumption of the LDC1312, LDC1314, LDC1612, and LDC1614. In order to ensure that there is minimal current flowing through the device, systems using an external oscillator should turn off the oscillator while the LDC is not actively converting. Note that the data readback overhead can affect current consumption measurements, especially at lower RCOUNT values. The resulting current values for varying RCOUNT values at different sampling rates follow expected trends and the measured current values are similar to the estimated current values. The Inductive Sensing Design Calculator Tool provided by TI can be used as a reference tool for estimating the device power consumption.