TI Based EVM: If the EVM under debug is TI-based, then
the flow follows this branch in the flow chart.
Locate User Guide Associated With EVM: All TI-based EVMs
have a User's Guide or Quick Start Guide that detail the features of the EVM as
well as components that are critical to the correct operation of the EVM.
Reviewing these up front assists in the debug process (explained in this
Board Has Isolation Implemented: Using the reference
guide from the previous step, or other documentation, if not a TI-produced EVM,
determine if the board under debug has isolation circuitry implemented or
Make Sure Components Are Correct For ISO Enable:
Referring back to the documentation for the EVM, make sure that any switches,
jumpers, or shunts are correctly populated to achieve the desired isolation
state for the EVM.
Confirm Both EVM And Emulation Have Power Where
Applicable: To achieve proper isolation of the power planes between the
local and high power domains, isolators are used to connect the two planes and
allow the emulation signals to get to the MCU. Since there are separate power
planes there must be two paths for powering each plane. Make sure both planes
have power to connect to the device through emulation.
Check That Isolation Meets End Use Requirements: While
not an essential check for initial system debug, because it is important to
become familiar with the isolation devices that are used such that it is
understood if the devices meet the requirements of the end system. While TI EVMs
comprehend this to the end application, if there are TI EVMs mixed with custom
EVMs, this can still be a necessary check.
Did Isolation\Emulation Reference Come From A TI Based
EVM: Many times the isolation and emulation circuits from a TI EVM are
re-used for a custom design. While electrically sound, what is often overlooked
is that the emulation chipset still needs to be programmed. For a TI-based EVM,
this occurs before the EVM is sold, on a custom board; however, this process
still needs to be comprehended in the production flow.