SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
In low-power mode, the L3_MAIN interconnect is used to fill up the DMA buffers to store all the data required to display a full frame. The L3_MAIN interconnect is not used to fetch new pixels for the following frames. The data in the DMA buffer are reused to display on the screen.
The setting of the mode is independent for each pipeline. One pipeline may have all the frame pixels in its DMA buffer and the other pipelines may have to refill their respective DMA buffers along the display scan because the frame buffer is too big to be stored in the DMA buffer.
The DMA buffers can be merged to optimize the L3_MAIN interconnect off time. Merging the DMA buffers into a single buffer can be used at the same time to improve ultralow-power mode (see Section, Low-Power Mode).
During the time in which the frames are fetched in the internal DMA buffer, MStandby must be asserted if the DISPC_SYSCONFIG[13:12] MIDLEMODE bit field is set to 0x2 (smart-standby mode).
Two ultralow-power modes can be entered manually or automatically:
The WB pipeline does not support ultralow-power mode.