SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
Table 18-204 through Table 18-240 describe the individual EDMA_TPTC0 and EDMA_TPTC1 module registers.
Address Offset | 0x0000 0000 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0000 0x4350 0000 0x40D0 5000 0x40D0 6000 0x4150 5000 0x4150 6000 0x01D0 5000 0x01D0 6000 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Peripheral ID Register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | REVISION | IP Revision | R | TI internal data |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0004 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0004 0x4350 0004 0x40D0 5004 0x40D0 6004 0x4150 5004 0x4150 6004 0x01D0 5004 0x01D0 6004 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | TC Configuration Register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:10 | RESERVED | Reads return 0's | R | 0x0 |
9:8 | DREGDEPTH | Dst Register FIFO Depth Parameterization | R | See Table 18-53 |
0x0: 1 entry | ||||
0x1: 2 entries | ||||
0x2: 4 entries | ||||
7:6 | RESERVED | Reads return 0's | R | 0x0 |
5:4 | BUSWIDTH | Bus Width Parameterization | R | See Table 18-53 |
0x0: 32-bit | ||||
0x1: 64-bit | ||||
0x2: 128-bit | ||||
3 | RESERVED | Reads return 0's | R | 0x0 |
2:0 | FIFOSIZE | Fifo Size Parameterization | R | See Table 18-53 |
0x0: 32 byte FIFO | ||||
0x1: 64 byte FIFO | ||||
0x2: 128 byte FIFO | ||||
0x3: 256 byte FIFO | ||||
0x4: 512 byte FIFO |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0100 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0100 0x4350 0100 0x40D0 5100 0x40D0 6100 0x4150 5100 0x4150 6100 0x01D0 5100 0x01D0 6100 0x4208 6100 0x4218 6100 0x4208 7100 0x4218 7100 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | TC Status Register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:13 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
12:11 | DFSTRTPTR | Dst FIFO Start Pointer Represents the offset to the head entry of Dst Register FIFO, in units of *entries*. Legal values = 0x0 to 0x3 | R | 0x0 |
10:9 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
8 | ACTV | Channel Active Channel Active is a logical-OR of each of the *BUSY/ACTV signals. The ACTV bit must remain high through the life of a TR. | R | 0x1 |
0x0: Channel is idle | ||||
0x1: Channel is busy | ||||
7 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
6:4 | DSTACTV | Destination Active State Specifies the number of TRs that are resident in the Dst Register FIFO at a given instant. Legal values are constrained by the DSTREGDEPTH parameter. | R | 0x0 |
3 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
2 | WSACTV | Write Status Active | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Write status is not pending. Write status has been received for all previously issued write commands. | ||||
0x1: Write Status is pending. Write status has not been received for all previously issued write commands. | ||||
1 | SRCACTV | Source Active State | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Source Active set is idle. Any TR written to Prog Set will immediately transition to Source Active set as long as the Dst FIFO Set is not full (DSTFULL == 1). | ||||
0x1: Source Active set is busy either performing read transfers or waiting to perform read transfers for current Transfer Request. | ||||
0 | PROGBUSY | Program Register Set Busy | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Program set idle and is available for programming. | ||||
0x1: Program set busy. User should poll for PROGBUSY equal to '0' prior to re-programming the Program Register set. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0104 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0104 0x4350 0104 0x40D0 5104 0x40D0 6104 0x4150 5104 0x4150 6104 0x01D0 5104 0x01D0 6104 0x4208 6104 0x4218 6104 0x4208 7104 0x4218 7104 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Interrupt Status Register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:2 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
1 | TRDONE | TR Done Event Status | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Condition not detected. | ||||
0x1: Set when TC has completed a Transfer Request. TRDONE should be set when the write status is returned for the final write of a TR. Cleared when write '1' to INTCLR.TRDONE register bit. | ||||
0 | PROGEMPTY | Program Set Empty Event Status | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Condition not detected | ||||
0x1: Set when Program Register
set transitions to empty state. Cleared when write '1' to EDMA_TPTCn_INTCLR[0] PROGEMPTY register bit. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0108 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0108 0x4350 0108 0x40D0 5108 0x40D0 6108 0x4150 5108 0x4150 6108 0x01D0 5108 0x01D0 6108 0x4208 6108 0x4218 6108 0x4208 7108 0x4218 7108 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Interrupt Enable Register | ||
Type | RW |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:2 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
1 | TRDONE | TR Done Event Enable | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: TRDONE Event is disabled. | ||||
0x1: TRDONE Event is enabled, and contributes to interrupt generation | ||||
0 | PROGEMPTY | Program Set Empty Event Enable | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: PROGEMPTY Event is disabled. | ||||
0x1: PROGEMPTY Event is enabled, and contributes to interrupt generation |
Address Offset | 0x0000 010C | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 010C 0x4350 010C 0x40D0 510C 0x40D0 610C 0x4150 510C 0x4150 610C 0x01D0 510C 0x01D0 610C 0x4208 610C 0x4218 610C 0x4208 710C 0x4218 710C | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Interrupt Clear Register | ||
Type | W |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:2 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
1 | TRDONE | TR Done Event Clear | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no effect. | ||||
Write 0x1: Clear | ||||
0 | PROGEMPTY | Program Set Empty Event Clear | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no effect. | ||||
Write 0x1: Clear |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0110 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0110 0x4350 0110 0x40D0 5110 0x40D0 6110 0x4150 5110 0x4150 6110 0x01D0 5110 0x01D0 6110 0x4208 6110 0x4218 6110 0x4208 7110 0x4218 7110 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Interrupt Command Register | ||
Type | W |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:2 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
1 | SET | Set TPTC interrupt | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no affect. | ||||
Write 0x1: SET causes TPTC interrupt to be pulsed unconditionally | ||||
0 | EVAL | Evaluate state of TPTC interrupt | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no affect. | ||||
0x1: causes TPTC interrupt to be pulsed if any of the EDMA_TPTCn_INTSTAT bits are set to '1'. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0120 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0120 0x4350 0120 0x40D0 5120 0x40D0 6120 0x4150 5120 0x4150 6120 0x01D0 5120 0x01D0 6120 0x4208 6120 0x4218 6120 0x4208 7120 0x4218 7120 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Error Status Register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:4 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
3 | MMRAERR | MR Address Error | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Condition not detected | ||||
0x1: User attempted to read or write to invalid address configuration mMemory map. (Is only be set for non-emulation accesses). No additional error information is recorded. | ||||
2 | TRERR | TR Error: TR detected that violates FIFO Mode transfer (SAM or DAM is '1') alignment rules or has ACNT or BCNT == 0. No additional error information is recorded. | R | 0x0 |
1 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
0 | BUSERR | Bus Error Event | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Condition not detected. | ||||
0x1: TC has detected an error code on the write response bus or read response bus. Error information is stored in Error Details Register (EDMA_TPTCn_ERRDET). |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0124 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0124 0x4350 0124 0x40D0 5124 0x40D0 6124 0x4150 5124 0x4150 6124 0x01D0 5124 0x01D0 6124 0x4208 6124 0x4218 6124 0x4208 7124 0x4218 7124 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Error Enable Register | ||
Type | RW |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:4 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
3 | MMRAERR | Interrupt enable for EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[3] MMRAERR | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: BUSERR is disabled | ||||
0x1: MMRAERR is enabled, and contributes to the TPTC error interrupt generation. | ||||
2 | TRERR | Interrupt enable for EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[2] TRERR | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: BUSERR is disabled. | ||||
0x1: TRERR is enabled, and contributes to the TPTC error interrupt generation. | ||||
1 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
0 | BUSERR | Interrupt enable for EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[0] BUSERR | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: BUSERR is disabled. | ||||
0x1: BUSERR is enabled, and contributes to the TPTC error interrupt generation. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0128 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0128 0x4350 0128 0x40D0 5128 0x40D0 6128 0x4150 5128 0x4150 6128 0x01D0 5128 0x01D0 6128 0x4208 6128 0x4218 6128 0x4208 7128 0x4218 7128 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Error Clear Register | ||
Type | W |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:4 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
3 | MMRAERR | Interrupt clear for EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[3] MMRAERR | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no effect | ||||
Write 0x1: to clear
EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[3] MMRAERR bit. Write of '1' to EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[3] MMRAERR does not clear the ERRDET register. | ||||
2 | TRERR | Interrupt clear for EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[2] TRERR | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no effect | ||||
Write 0x1: to clear
EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[2] TRERR bit. Write of '1' to EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[2] TRERR does not clear the ERRDET register. | ||||
1 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
0 | BUSERR | Interrupt clear for EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[0] BUSERR | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no effect | ||||
Write 0x1: to clear
EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[0] BUSERR bit Write of '1' to EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT[0] BUSERR clears the ERRDET register. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 012C | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 012C 0x4350 012C 0x40D0 512C 0x40D0 612C 0x4150 512C 0x4150 612C 0x01D0 512C 0x01D0 612C 0x4208 612C 0x4218 612C 0x4208 712C 0x4218 712C | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Error Details Register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:18 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
17 | TCCHEN | Contains the EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n[17] TCCHEN value programmed by the user for the Read or Write transaction that resulted in an error. | R | 0x0 |
16 | TCINTEN | Contains the EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n[16] TCINTEN value programmed by the user for the Read or Write transaction that resulted in an error. | R | 0x0 |
15:14 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
13:8 | TCC | Transfer Complete Code: Contains the EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n[13:8] TCC value programmed by the user for the Read or Write transaction that resulted in an error. | R | 0x0 |
7:4 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
3:0 | STAT | Transaction Status: Stores the non-zero status/error code that was detected on the read status or write status bus. MS-bit effectively serves as the read vs. write error code. If read status and write status are returned on the same cycle, then the TC chooses non-zero version. If both are non-zero then write status is treated as higher priority. Encoding of errors matches the CBA spec and is summarized here: 0xF = | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0130 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0130 0x4350 0130 0x40D0 5130 0x40D0 6130 0x4150 5130 0x4150 6130 0x01D0 5130 0x01D0 6130 0x4208 6130 0x4218 6130 0x4208 7130 0x4218 7130 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Error Command Register | ||
Type | W |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:2 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
1 | SET | Set TPTC error interrupt | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no affect | ||||
Write 0x1: to SET causes TPTC error interrupt to be pulsed unconditionally. | ||||
0 | EVAL | Evaluate state of TPTC error interrupt Write of '1' | W | 0x0 |
Write 0x0: have no affect | ||||
Write 0x1: to EVAL causes TPTC error interrupt to be pulsed if any of the EDMA_TPTCn_ERRSTAT bits are set to '1'. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0140 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0140 0x4350 0140 0x40D0 5140 0x40D0 6140 0x4150 5140 0x4150 6140 0x01D0 5140 0x01D0 6140 0x4208 6140 0x4218 6140 0x4208 7140 0x4218 7140 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Read Rate Register | ||
Type | RW |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:3 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
2:0 | RDRATE | Read Rate Control: Controls the number of cycles between read commands. This is a global setting that applies to all TRs for this TC. | RW | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0200 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0200 0x4350 0200 0x40D0 5200 0x40D0 6200 0x4150 5200 0x4150 6200 0x01D0 5200 0x01D0 6200 0x4208 6200 0x4218 6200 0x4208 7200 0x4218 7200 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Program Set Options | ||
Type | RW |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:23 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
22 | TCCHEN | Transfer complete chaining enable | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: Transfer complete chaining is disabled. | ||||
0x1: Transfer complete chaining is enabled. | ||||
21 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
20 | TCINTEN | Transfer complete interrupt enable | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: Transfer complete interrupt is disabled. | ||||
0x1: Transfer complete interrupt is enabled. | ||||
19:18 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
17:12 | TCC | Transfer Complete Code: The 6-bit code is used to set the relevant bit in CER or EDMA_TPCC_IPR of the TPCC module. | RW | 0x0 |
11 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
10:8 | FWID | FIFO width control: Applies if either SAM or DAM is set to FIFO mode. | RW | 0x0 |
7 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
6:4 | PRI | Transfer Priority: 0x0: Priority 0 - Highest priority 0x1: Priority 1 ... 0x7: Priority 7 - Lowest priority | RW | 0x0 |
3:2 | RESERVED | Reserved | R | 0x0 |
1 | DAM | Destination Address Mode within an array | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: INCR, Destination addressing within an array increments. | ||||
0x1: FIFO, Destination addressing within an array wraps around upon reaching FIFO width. | ||||
0 | SAM | Source Address Mode within an array | RW | 0x0 |
0x0: INCR, Source addressing within an array increments. | ||||
0x1: FIFO, Source addressing within an array wraps around upon reaching FIFO width. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0204 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0204 0x4350 0204 0x40D0 5204 0x40D0 6204 0x4150 5204 0x4150 6204 0x01D0 5204 0x01D0 6204 0x4208 6204 0x4218 6204 0x4208 7204 0x4218 7204 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Program Set Source Address | ||
Type | RW |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | SADDR | Source address for Program Register Set | RW | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0208 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0208 0x4350 0208 0x40D0 5208 0x40D0 6208 0x4150 5208 0x4150 6208 0x01D0 5208 0x01D0 6208 0x4208 6208 0x4218 6208 0x4208 7208 0x4218 7208 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Program Set Count | ||
Type | RW |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:16 | BCNT | B-Dimension count. Number of arrays to be transferred, where each array is ACNT in length. | RW | 0x0 |
15:0 | ACNT | A-Dimension count. Number of bytes to be transferred in first dimension. | RW | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 020C | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 020C 0x4350 020C 0x40D0 520C 0x40D0 620C 0x4150 520C 0x4150 620C 0x01D0 520C 0x01D0 620C 0x4208 620C 0x4218 620C 0x4208 720C 0x4218 720C | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Program Set Destination Address | ||
Type | RW |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | DADDR | Destination address for Program Register Set | RW | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0210 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0210 0x4350 0210 0x40D0 5210 0x40D0 6210 0x4150 5210 0x4150 6210 0x01D0 5210 0x01D0 6210 0x4208 6210 0x4218 6210 0x4208 7210 0x4218 7210 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Program Set B-Dim Idx | ||
Type | RW |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:16 | DBIDX | Dest B-Idx for Program Register Set: B-Idx offset between Destination arrays: Represents the offset in bytes between the starting address of each destination array (recall that there are BCNT arrays of ACNT elements). DBIDX is always used, regardless of whether DAM is Increment or FIFO mode. | RW | 0x0 |
15:0 | SBIDX | Source B-Idx for Program Register Set: B-Idx offset between Source arrays: Represents the offset in bytes between the starting address of each source array (recall that there are BCNT arrays of ACNT elements). SBIDX is always used, regardless of whether SAM is Increment or FIFO mode. | RW | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0214 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0214 0x4350 0214 0x40D0 5214 0x40D0 6214 0x4150 5214 0x4150 6214 0x01D0 5214 0x01D0 6214 0x4208 6214 0x4218 6214 0x4208 7214 0x4218 7214 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Program Set Memory Protect Proxy | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:9 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
8 | PRIV | Privilege Level | R | 0x0 |
0x0: User level privilege | ||||
0x1: Supervisor level privilege
EDMA_TPTCn_PMPPRXY.PRIV is always updated with the value from the
configuration bus privilege field on any/every write to Program Set
BIDX Register (trigger register). The PRIV value for the SA Set and DF Set are copied from the value in the Program set along with the remainder of the parameter values. The privilege ID is issued on the VBusM read and write command bus such that the target endpoints can perform mMemory protection checks based on the PRIV of the external host that sets up the DMA transaction. | ||||
7:4 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
3:0 | PRIVID | Privilege ID: EDMA_TPTCn_PMPPRXY.PRIVID is always updated with the value from configuration bus privilege ID field on any/every write to Program Set BIDX Register (trigger register). The PRIVID value for the SA Set and DF Set are copied from the value in the Program set along with the remainder of the parameter values. The privilege ID is issued on the VBusM read and write command bus such that the target endpoints can perform mMemory protection checks based on the privid of the external host that sets up the DMA transaction. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0240 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0240 0x4350 0240 0x40D0 5240 0x40D0 6240 0x4150 5240 0x4150 6240 0x01D0 5240 0x01D0 6240 0x4208 6240 0x4218 6240 0x4208 7240 0x4218 7240 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Actve Set Options | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:23 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
22 | TCCHEN | Transfer complete chaining enable | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Transfer complete chaining is disabled. | ||||
0x1: Transfer complete chaining is enabled. | ||||
21 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
20 | TCINTEN | Transfer complete interrupt enable | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Transfer complete interrupt is disabled. | ||||
0x1: Transfer complete interrupt is enabled. | ||||
19:18 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
17:12 | TCC | Transfer Complete Code The 6-bit code is used to set the relevant bit in EDMA_TPCC_CER or EDMA_TPCC_IPR of the TPCC module. | R | 0x0 |
11 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
10:8 | FWID | FIFO width control Applies if either SAM or DAM is set to FIFO mode. | R | 0x0 |
7 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
6:4 | PRI | Transfer Priority | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Priority 0 - Highest priority | ||||
0x1: Priority 1 | ||||
... | ||||
0x7: Priority 7 - Lowest priority | ||||
3:2 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
1 | DAM | Destination Address Mode within an array | R | 0x0 |
0x0: INCR, Destination addressing within an array increments. | ||||
0x1: FIFO, Destination addressing within an array wraps around upon reaching FIFO width. | ||||
0 | SAM | Source Address Mode within an array | R | 0x0 |
0x0: INCR, Source addressing within an array increments. | ||||
0X1: FIFO, Source addressing within an array wraps around upon reaching FIFO width. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0244 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0244 0x4350 0244 0x40D0 5244 0x40D0 6244 0x4150 5244 0x4150 6244 0x01D0 5244 0x01D0 6244 0x4208 6244 0x4218 6244 0x4208 7244 0x4218 7244 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Active Set Source Address | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | SADDR | Source address for Source Active
Register Set: Initial value is copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PSRC.SADDR. TC updates value according to source addressing mode (EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n.SAM) and/or source index value (BIDX.SBIDX) after each read command is issued. When a TR is complete, the final value should be the address of the last read command issued. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0248 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0248 0x4350 0248 0x40D0 5248 0x40D0 6248 0x4150 5248 0x4150 6248 0x01D0 5248 0x01D0 6248 0x4208 6248 0x4218 6248 0x4208 7248 0x4218 7248 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Active Set Count | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:16 | BCNT | B-Dimension count: Number of arrays to be transferred, where each array is ACNT in length. Count Remaining for Source Active Register Set. Represents the amount of data remaining to be read. Initial value is copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PCNT. TC decrements ACNT and BCNT as necessary after each read command is issued. Final value should be 0 when TR is complete. | R | 0x0 |
15:0 | ACNT | A-Dimension count: Number of bytes to be transferred in first dimension. Count Remaining for Source Active Register Set. Represents the amount of data remaining to be read. Initial value is copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PCNT. TC decrements ACNT and BCNT as necessary after each read command is issued. Final value should be 0 when TR is complete. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 024C | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 024C 0x4350 024C 0x40D0 524C 0x40D0 624C 0x4150 524C 0x4150 624C 0x01D0 524C 0x01D0 624C | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Active Destination Address Register Reserved, return 0x0 w/o AERROR | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | DADDR | Destination address is not applicable for Source Active Register Set. Reads return 0x0 | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0250 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0250 0x4350 0250 0x40D0 5250 0x40D0 6250 0x4150 5250 0x4150 6250 0x01D0 5250 0x01D0 6250 0x4208 6250 0x4218 6250 0x4208 7250 0x4218 7250 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Active Set B-Dim Idx | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:16 | DBIDX | Destination B-Idx for Source
Active Register Set. Value copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PBIDX: B-Idx offset between Destination arrays: Represents the offset in bytes between the starting address of each destination array (recall that there are BCNT arrays of ACNT elements). DBIDX is always used, regardless of whether DAM is Increment or FIFO mode. | R | 0x0 |
15:0 | SBIDX | Source B-Idx for Source Active Register Set. Value copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PBIDX: B-Idx offset between Source arrays: Represents the offset in bytes between the starting address of each source array (recall that there are BCNT arrays of ACNT elements). SBIDX is always used, regardless of whether SAM is Increment or FIFO mode. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0254 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0254 0x4350 0254 0x40D0 5254 0x40D0 6254 0x4150 5254 0x4150 6254 0x01D0 5254 0x01D0 6254 0x4208 6254 0x4218 6254 0x4208 7254 0x4218 7254 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Active Set Mem Protect Proxy | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:9 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
8 | PRIV | Privilege Level | R | 0x0 |
0x0: User level privilege | ||||
0x1: Supervisor level privilege SAMPPRXY.PRIV is always updated with the value from the configuration bus privilege field on any/every write to Program Set BIDX Register (trigger register). The PRIV value for the SA Set and DF Set are copied from the value in the Program set along with the remainder of the parameter values. The privilege ID is issued on the VBusM read and write command bus such that the target endpoints can perform mMemory protection checks based on the PRIV of the external host that sets up the DMA transaction. | ||||
7:4 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
3:0 | PRIVID | Privilege ID SAMPPRXY.PRIVID is always updated with the value from configuration bus privilege ID field on any/every write to Program Set BIDX Register (trigger register). The PRIVID value for the SA Set and DF Set are copied from the value in the Program set along with the remainder of the parameter values. The privilege ID is issued on the VBusM read and write command bus such that the target endpoints can perform mMemory protection checks based on the privid of the external host that sets up the DMA transaction. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0258 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0258 0x4350 0258 0x40D0 5258 0x40D0 6258 0x4150 5258 0x4150 6258 0x01D0 5258 0x01D0 6258 0x4208 6258 0x4218 6258 0x4208 7258 0x4218 7258 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Active Set Count Reload | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:16 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
15:0 | ACNTRLD | A-Cnt Reload value for Source
Active Register set. Value copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PCNT[15:0] ACNT: Represents the originally programmed value of ACNT. The Reload value is used to reinitialize ACNT after each array is serviced (i.e., ACNT decrements to 0). by the Src offset in bytes between the starting address of each source array (recall that there are BCNT arrays of ACNT bytes) | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 025C | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 025C 0x4350 025C 0x40D0 525C 0x40D0 625C 0x4150 525C 0x4150 625C 0x01D0 525C 0x01D0 625C 0x4208 625C 0x4218 625C 0x4208 725C 0x4218 725C | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Active Set Source Address A-Reference | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | SADDRBREF | Source address reference for Source Active Register Set: Represents the starting address for the array currently being read. The next array's starting address is calculated as the 'reference address' plus the 'source b-idx' value. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0260 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0260 0x4350 0260 0x40D0 5260 0x40D0 6260 0x4150 5260 0x4150 6260 0x01D0 5260 0x01D0 6260 0x4208 6260 0x4218 6260 0x4208 7260 0x4218 7260 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Source Active Destination Address B-Reference Register Reserved, return 0x0 w/o AERROR | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | DADDRBREF | Destination address reference is not applicable for Src Active Register Set. Reads return 0x0. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0280 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0280 0x4350 0280 0x40D0 5280 0x40D0 6280 0x4150 5280 0x4150 6280 0x01D0 5280 0x01D0 6280 0x4208 6280 0x4218 6280 0x4208 7280 0x4218 7280 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Destination FIFO Set Count Reload | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:16 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
15:0 | ACNTRLD | A-Cnt Reload value for Destination FIFO Register set. Value copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PCNT[15:0] ACNT: Represents the originally programmed value of ACNT. The Reload value is used to reinitialize ACNT after each array is serviced (i.e., ACNT decrements to 0). by the Src offset in bytes between the starting address of each source array (recall that there are BCNT arrays of ACNT bytes) | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0284 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0284 0x4350 0284 0x40D0 5284 0x40D0 6284 0x4150 5284 0x4150 6284 0x01D0 5284 0x01D0 6284 0x4208 6284 0x4218 6284 0x4208 7284 0x4218 7284 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Destination FIFO Set Destination Address B Reference Reserved, return 0x0 w/o AERROR | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | SADDRBREF | Source address reference is not applicable for Dst FIFO Register Set. Reads return 0x0. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0288 | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0288 0x4350 0288 0x40D0 5288 0x40D0 6288 0x4150 5288 0x4150 6288 0x01D0 5288 0x01D0 6288 | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Destination FIFO Set Destination Address A-Reference | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | DADDRBREF | Destination address reference for Dst FIFO Register Set: Represents the starting address for the array currently being written. The next array's starting address is calculated as the 'reference address' plus the 'dest bidx' value. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0300 + (0x40 * i) | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0300 + (0x40 * i) 0x4350 0300 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 5300 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 6300 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 5300 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 6300 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 5300 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 6300 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 6300 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 6300 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 7300 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 7300 + (0x40 * i) | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Destination FIFO Set Options | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:23 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
22 | TCCHEN | Transfer complete chaining enable | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Transfer complete chaining is disabled. | ||||
0x1: Transfer complete chaining is enabled. | ||||
21 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
20 | TCINTEN | Transfer complete interrupt enable | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Transfer complete interrupt is disabled. | ||||
0x1: Transfer complete interrupt is enabled. | ||||
19:18 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
17:12 | TCC | Transfer Complete Code The 6-bit code is used to set the relevant bit in CER or EDMA_TPCC_IPR of the TPCC module. | R | 0x0 |
11 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
10:8 | FWID | FIFO width control Applies if either SAM or DAM is set to FIFO mode. | R | 0x0 |
7 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
6:4 | PRI | Transfer Priority | R | 0x0 |
0x0: Priority 0 - Highest priority | ||||
0x1: Priority 1 | ||||
... | ||||
0x7: Priority 7 - Lowest priority | ||||
3:2 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
1 | DAM | Destination Address Mode within an array | R | 0x0 |
0x0: INCR, Dst addressing within an array increments. | ||||
0x1: FIFO, Dst addressing within an array wraps around upon reaching FIFO width. | ||||
0 | SAM | Source Address Mode within an array | R | 0x0 |
0x0: INCR, Source addressing within an array increments. | ||||
0x1: FIFO, Source addressing within an array wraps around upon reaching FIFO width. |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0304 + (0x40 * i) | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0304 + (0x40 * i) 0x4350 0304 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 5304 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 6304 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 5304 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 6304 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 5304 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 6304 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 6304 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 6304 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 7304 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 7304 + (0x40 * i) | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Destination FIFO source address register Reserved, return 0x0 w/o AERROR | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | SADDR | Source address is not applicable for Dst FIFO Register Set: Reads return 0x0. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0308 + (0x40 * i) | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0308 + (0x40 * i) 0x4350 0308 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 5308 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 6308 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 5308 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 6308 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 5308 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 6308 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 6308 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 6308 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 7308 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 7308 + (0x40 * i) | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | Destination FIFO count register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:16 | BCNT | B-Count Remaining for Dst
Register Set: Number of arrays to be transferred, where each array is ACNT in length. Represents the amount of data remaining to be written. Initial value is copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PCNT. TC decrements ACNT and BCNT as necessary after each write dataphase is issued. Final value should be 0 when TR is complete. | R | 0x0 |
15:0 | ACNT | A-Count Remaining for Dst
Register Set: Number of bytes to be transferred in first dimension. Represents the amount of data remaining to be written. Initial value is copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PCNT. TC decrements ACNT and BCNT as necessary after each write dataphase is issued. Final value should be 0 when TR is complete. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 030C + (0x40 * i) | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 030C + (0x40 * i) 0x4350 030C + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 530C + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 630C + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 530C + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 630C + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 530C + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 630C + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 630C + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 630C + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 730C + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 730C + (0x40 * i) | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | The destination FIFO destination address register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:0 | DADDR | Destination address for Dst FIFO
Register Set: Initial value is copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PDST[31:0] DADDR. TC updates value according to destination addressing mode (EDMA_TPCC_OPT_n. SAM) and/or dest index value (BIDX. DBIDX) after each write command is issued. When a TR is complete, the final value should be the address of the last write command issued. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0310 + (0x40 * i) | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0310 + (0x40 * i) 0x4350 0310 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 5310 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 6310 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 5310 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 6310 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 5310 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 6310 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 6310 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 6310 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 7310 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 7310 + (0x40 * i) | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | The destination FIFO B-index register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:16 | DBIDX | Dest B-Idx for Dest FIFO Register
Set. Value copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PBIDX: B-Idx offset between Destination arrays: Represents the offset in bytes between the starting address of each destination array (recall that there are BCNT arrays of ACNT elements). DBIDX is always used, regardless of whether DAM is Increment or FIFO mode. | R | 0x0 |
15:0 | SBIDX | Dest B-Idx for Dest FIFO Register
Set. Value copied from EDMA_TPTCn_PBIDX: B-Idx offset between Source
arrays: Represents the offset in bytes between the starting address
of each source array (recall that there are BCNT arrays of ACNT
elements). SBIDX is always used, regardless of whether SAM is Increment or FIFO mode. | R | 0x0 |
Address Offset | 0x0000 0314 + (0x40 * i) | ||
Physical Address | 0x4340 0314 + (0x40 * i) 0x4350 0314 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 5314 + (0x40 * i) 0x40D0 6314 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 5314 + (0x40 * i) 0x4150 6314 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 5314 + (0x40 * i) 0x01D0 6314 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 6314 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 6314 + (0x40 * i) 0x4208 7314 + (0x40 * i) 0x4218 7314 + (0x40 * i) | Instance | SYS_EDMA_TPTC0 SYS_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP1_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP2_EDMA_TPTC1 DSP_EDMA_TPTC0 DSP_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC0 EVE1_EDMA_TPTC1 EVE2_EDMA_TPTC1 |
Description | The destination FIFO memory protection proxy register | ||
Type | R |
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bits | Field Name | Description | Type | Reset |
31:9 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
8 | PRIV | Privilege Level | R | 0x0 |
0x0: User level privilege | ||||
0x1: Supervisor level privilege DFMPPRXY0.PRIV is always updated with the value from the configuration bus privilege field on any/every write to Program Set BIDX Register (trigger register). The PRIV value for the SA Set and DF Set are copied from the value in the Program set along with the remainder of the parameter values. The privilege ID is issued on the VBusM read and write command bus such that the target endpoints can perform mMemory protection checks based on the PRIV of the external host that sets up the DMA transaction. | ||||
7:4 | RESERVED | Reserved | R Return 0's | 0x0 |
3:0 | PRIVID | Privilege ID: DFMPPRXY0.PRIVID is always updated with the value from configuration bus privilege ID field on any/every write to Program Set BIDX Register (trigger register). The PRIVID value for the SA Set and DF Set are copied from the value in the Program set along with the remainder of the parameter values. The privilege ID is issued on the VBusM read and write command bus such that the target endpoints can perform mMemory protection checks based on the privid of the external host that sets up the DMA transaction. | R | 0x0 |