SPRUIE9D May 2017 – May 2024 DRA74P , DRA75P , DRA76P , DRA77P
The credit management engine (CME) protocol is a credit-based data transfer scheme. A central agent asserts a START signal to a DMA engine or host processor. This signal indicates that a fixed-size data buffer is available to be read or written. Then the DMA engine or host processor is responsible for asserting a DONE signal back to the CME when the data buffer is read or written. The Central Agent uses this information to update its credit accounting (there is a consumer end and producer end for any buffer that is managed by CME). The EVE subsystem generically supports START and DONE signaling, and software must service the request accordingly.
CME START signal:
In a multi-EVE system the CME START signals are broadcast to the eve_evt_int[n:0] input signals of each EVE. These signals are mapped on both EDMA events or ARP32 interrupts. Software enables the appropriate event or input in the appropriate EVE, based on the overall system goals.
For a given EVE, a START signal must either be used to trigger an EDMA transfer directly for a known or agreed quantity of data, or it must trigger an ARP32 interrupt, which then manually sets up an EDMA transfer as necessary.
CME DONE signal:
EVE provides eight CME DONE signals that can be triggered from multiple internal conditions or sources. For any EVE in the system, the DONE output signals are driven either based on any one of the eight EDMA region interrupt outputs, or based on the EVE_CME_DONE_GPOUT register.
The EDMA region interrupt outputs are statically allocated in the device or host. As such, it is desirable to connect higher-numbered "done" bits to the CME to avoid resource allocation issues. The basic logic is essentially a mux select for each respective bit (see Figure 8-13). The selection is done through the EVE_CME_DONE_SEL[31:0] register.
CME registers in the EVE subsystem are:
The DONE GPOUT registers are used to directly drive the state of the internal CME DONE output signals. The EVE_CME_DONE_SEL register sets whether the EVE output signals are driven from the EDMA region interrupts, the DONE GPOUT internal value, or a pass through from the eve_passthru signals.
The device does not support hardware CME.