SPRUI78D March 2019 – January 2022 TMS320F28075 , TMS320F28075-Q1 , TMS320F28076 , TMS320F28374D , TMS320F28374S , TMS320F28375D , TMS320F28375S , TMS320F28375S-Q1 , TMS320F28376D , TMS320F28376S , TMS320F28377D , TMS320F28377D-Q1 , TMS320F28377S , TMS320F28377S-Q1 , TMS320F28378D , TMS320F28378S , TMS320F28379D , TMS320F28379D-Q1 , TMS320F28379S
C2000 is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The products supported by this document have been assessed to be meet a systematic capability compliance of ASIL-D (according to ISO 26262) and SIL-3 (according to IEC 61508). For more information, see the Texas Instrument's functional safety hardware development process.
This Functional Safety Manual is part of the safety design package to aid customers who are designing systems in compliance with ISO 26262 or IEC 61508 functional safety standards.
Table 1-1 shows a complete list of the products supported by this functional safety manual (including silicon revision C) and the part numbers.
Orderable Devices |
Piccolo Part Numbers |
TMS320F28075PTPQ |
TMS320F28075PTPS |
TMS320F28075PTPT |
TMS320F28075PZPQ |
TMS320F28075PZPS |
TMS320F28075PZPT |
TMS320F28076PTPS |
TMS320F28076PZPS |
Single Core Part Numbers |
TMS320F28374SPTPS |
TMS320F28374SPTPT |
TMS320F28374SPZPS |
TMS320F28374SPZPT |
TMS320F28374SZWTS |
TMS320F28374SZWTT |
TMS320F28374SZWTTR |
TMS320F28375SPTPS |
TMS320F28375SPTPT |
TMS320F28375SPZPQ |
TMS320F28375SPZPQR |
TMS320F28375SPZPS |
TMS320F28375SPZPT |
TMS320F28375SZWTS |
TMS320F28375SZWTT |
TMS320F28376SPTPS |
TMS320F28376SPTPT |
TMS320F28376SPZPS |
TMS320F28376SPZPT |
TMS320F28376SZWTS |
TMS320F28376SZWTT |
TMS320F28377SPTPQ |
TMS320F28377SPTPS |
TMS320F28377SPTPT |
TMS320F28377SPZPQ |
TMS320F28377SPZPS |
TMS320F28377SPZPT |
TMS320F28377SZWTQ |
TMS320F28377SZWTS |
TMS320F28377SZWTT |
TMS320F28378SPTPS |
TMS320F28378SPZPS |
TMS320F28379SPTPS |
TMS320F28379SPTPT |
TMS320F28379SPZPS |
TMS320F28379SPZPT |
TMS320F28379SZWTS |
TMS320F28379SZWTT |
Dual Core Part Numbers |
TMS320F28374DPTPS |
TMS320F28374DPTPT |
TMS320F28374DZWTS |
TMS320F28374DZWTT |
TMS320F28375DPTPS |
TMS320F28375DPTPT |
TMS320F28375DPZPS |
TMS320F28375DZWTS |
TMS320F28375DZWTT |
TMS320F28376DPTPS |
TMS320F28376DPTPT |
TMS320F28376DZWTS |
TMS320F28376DZWTT |
TMS320F28377DPTPQ |
TMS320F28377DPTPS |
TMS320F28377DPTPT |
TMS320F28377DZWTQ |
TMS320F28377DZWTQR |
TMS320F28377DZWTS |
TMS320F28377DZWTT |
TMS320F28378DPTPS |
TMS320F28379DPTPS |
TMS320F28379DPTPT |
TMS320F28379DZWTS |
TMS320F28379DZWTT |
This Functional Safety Manual provides information needed by system developers to assist in the creation of a functional safety system using a C2000 microcontroller (MCU). This document contains:
It is expected that the user of this document should have a general familiarity with the Delfino TMS320F2837xD/S and Piccolo TMS320F2807x MCU product family. More information can be found at http://www.ti.com/C2000. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the device-specific data sheets, technical reference manuals, and other documentation for the products being supplied.