The following steps can be used to
display two videos in a row and then stop displaying.
- Write Video Frame Rate register.
- The clock count should
match the length of the DMD sequence that is used.
- Write Video Start Address 1
- Start address should
match the location of the video in flash memory.
- Write Video Configuration 1
- Frame count = number of
frames in the video
- Loop count = 1
- Write Video Start Address 2
- The start address should
match the location of the video in Flash memory. This can be found in
the build log output from the DLP Composer tool.
- Write Video Configuration 2
- Frame count = number of
frames in the video
- Loop count = 1
- Write Video Control register.
- Loop configurations =
- Toggle configurations =
- Configurations pointer =
- Play = 1
- Stop = 0
- Auto-stop = 1
This configuration will begin with
Configuration 1 due to “configuration pointer” = 0. It will play one loop of this
video, and then toggle to Configuration 2. After one loop of this second video, the
display will auto-stop. This means that light will turn off and no image will be