SLOA332A July 2023 – September 2024 LMV821-N , LMV831 , OPA2991 , OPA345 , OPA376 , OPA376-Q1 , OPA377 , OPA377-Q1 , OPA4991 , OPA991 , TL074 , TLV376 , TLV9001 , TLV9002 , TS321
Slew rate is the fastest output voltage change over time in operational amplifiers, typically measured in units of volts per microsecond, V/µs. Some low-power op amps express slew rate in volts per millisecond, V/ms. The data sheet slew rate (SR) parameter is the rate of change of the output voltage with a large input signal and unity gain setup (unless specifically stated otherwise). This single value is often the only obvious information about slew rate in the data sheet. It is important to know that not all applications experience this magnitude of slew rate. Additionally, it is important to note that slew rate is not a constant value for all inputs and configurations.