SLUAAP5 july 2023 UCD3138 , UCD3138064 , UCD3138064A , UCD3138128 , UCD3138128A , UCD3138A , UCD3138A64
In load.asm, if the following red lines are removed, but the two blue lines remain, this can cause the device to reset continuously since r4 does not have a valid value. If this is the case, the device locks permanently and these 5 lines are removed entirely or remain.
.align 4
.sect ".text"
; B c_int00
LDR r13, c_sup_stack_top ; initialize supervisor stack pointer
; LDR r4,c_mfbalr1_half0 ;point r4 at program flash base address register
; MOV r0,#0x62 ;make block size 32K, address 0, read only
; STRH r0,[r4]; store it there
LDR r0,c_mfbalr2_half0_load ;set up data flash for write only
STRH r0,[r4,#8] ;put it into mfbalr2