SLVAF93A october   2022  â€“ april 2023 LP8764-Q1 , TPS6594-Q1


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2Hardware and PMIC Setup
  5. 3Configuration Overview
  6. 4Instructions
  7. 5Special Considerations
    1. 5.1 Changing the Serial Control Interface
    2. 5.2 Updating the Frequency Selection
    3. 5.3 PFSM
    4. 5.4 Permanently Locking the NVM
    5. 5.5 Updating the Register CRC
  8. 6NVM Validation
  9. 7References
  10.   A Registers Backed by NVM
  11.   B Non-NVM Registers Which are Part of the Register CRC
  12.   C CRC for User Registers, Page 0 and Page 4
  13.   D Example With I2C Serial Interface
  14.   E Revision History

Non-NVM Registers Which are Part of the Register CRC

The registers in Table 9-1 and Table 9-2 must be restored to their default values before the register CRC is updated. This process is only applicable when the register CRC is enabled.

Table B-1 TPS6594 and TPS6593 Registers Included Register CRC and Default Values
Page 0 Page 4
Address Default Address Default
0x22 0x00 0x01 0x00
0x80 0x00 0x03 0x7F
0x81 0x00 0x04 0x7F
0x82 0x081 0x07 0x0A
0x85 0x00
0x86 0x00
0x8F 0x00
0x90 0x00
0x91 0x00
0x92 0x00
0x93 0x00
0x94 0x00
0x96 0x00
0x98 0x00
0x99 0x00
0x9A 0x00
0x9B 0x00
0x9C 0x00
0x9D 0x00
0x9E 0x00
0x9F 0x00
0xAB 0x00
0xC9 0x00
0xCA 0x00
0xCB 0x00
0xCC 0x00
This register is read-only from the serial interface. If the value of the register does not match the default value then the Register CRC for Page 0 and Page 4 must be calculated externally and the results programmed into the PMIC.
Table B-2 LP876x Registers Included Register CRC and Default Values
Page 0 Page 4
Address Default Register Default
0x80 0x00 0x01 0x00
0x81 0x00 0x03 0x7F
0x82 0x081 0x04 0x7F
0x85 0x00 0x07 0x0A
0x86 0x00
0x8F 0x00
0x90 0x00
0x91 0x00
0x92 0x00
0x93 0x00
0x94 0x00
0x96 0x00
0xAB 0x00
0xC9 0x00
0xCA 0x00
0xCB 0x00
0xCC 0x00
This register is read-only from the serial interface. If the value of the register does not match the default value then the Register CRC for Page 0 and Page 4 must be calculated externally and the results programmed into the PMIC.