SLVAFH4 January   2023 TPS62870 , TPS62870-Q1 , TPS62871 , TPS62871-Q1 , TPS62872 , TPS62872-Q1 , TPS62873 , TPS62873-Q1 , TPS62874-Q1 , TPS62875-Q1 , TPS62876-Q1 , TPS62877-Q1 , TPSM8287A06 , TPSM8287A10 , TPSM8287A12 , TPSM8287A15


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2Configurations
  5. 3Measurements
    1. 3.1 Efficiency
    2. 3.2 Input Voltage Ripple
    3. 3.3 Output Voltage Ripple
    4. 3.4 Load Transient
    5. 3.5 Heat Distribution
  6. 4Summary

Output Voltage Ripple

Figure 3-3 Output Voltage Ripple of the Single 5onverter and Dual Converter

The output voltage measurements shown in Figure 3-3 show no significant differences of the two converter implementations. The phase shifted synchronization of the dual converter implementation results in a minor improvement at the switching frequency. Since the capacitor bank is the same for both converters and very large in respect to filtering the switching frequency due to load transient requirements the differences in the spectrum are negligible.