SNAA411 September 2024 CDCLVC1102 , CDCLVC1103 , CDCLVC1104 , CDCLVC1110 , CDCLVD1204 , LMK00301 , LMK00304 , LMK00306 , LMK00308 , LMK01801 , LMK04832 , LMK1C1102 , LMK1C1103 , LMK1C1104 , LMK1C1106 , LMK1C1108 , LMK1D1204 , LMK1D1208 , LMX2485 , LMX2491 , LMX2572 , LMX2592 , LMX2594 , LMX2595 , LMX2820
When dealing at lower frequency, phase noise using low noise clock buffer (LMK1C110x) shows better performance than the source input at lower frequencies from SMA100B on the FSWP phase noise analyzer as shown in Figure 5-2. This shows that slew rate sensitivity is impacting the internal circuitry of the FSWP at lower frequencies and the source measurement comes out to be pessimistic. When the same input from SMA100B at lower frequencies is buffered through LMK1C110x shows better results at lower offsets frequencies. Similar concept applies to all the PLL based synthesizer device which are slew rate sensitive.
At higher frequencies the gap between source noise measurement and buffer measurement reduces on the FSWP since better slew rate is helping the measurement instrument at higher frequencies as shown in Figure 5-2. Adding a low noise buffer still helps improve the buffer noise performance specifically at lower input amplitudes but at some point addition of clock buffer is not going to help at all because of higher slew rates. Since most of the systems where close in phase noise is important start at lower frequencies, addition of buffer significantly improves the margins.
Synthesizer devices like LMX2820 running at higher frequencies have a wide input frequency range, input stage is usually optimized for higher frequencies. Phase noise degradation is pronounced when using a 10MHz input source or other lower frequencies. At 100MHz since the slew rate is much higher performance degradation is not significant but there is still some improvement specifically at lower input power levels when using the low noise sine to square wave conversion buffers.