TIDUF53 December 2023 DRV8210 , INA350 , MSPM0L1306
This design is a reference design for an electronic sphygmomanometer that can log systolic, diastolic, and heart-rate data through one measurement. This design collects data from a cuff tied to the upper arm and then processes these data. Two signal-conditioning options are provided for evaluation. A two-amplifier INA through the integrated operational amplifiers inside the MSPM0L1306 followed by a two-stage band-pass filter, or the INA350 followed by the band-pass filter. The systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and heart rate can be extracted from the raw pressure and oscillations data through the use of different algorithms. The measured results are then sent through universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) to TI's blood pressure monitor GUI for evaluation.