To run the demonstration, complete the following steps:
- Import the
"blood_pressure_monitor demo" project inside the SDK demos folder as seen
in Figure 3-4
- Build the project and program the
- Click on the GUI link inside the
README file to setup the demonstration GUI to reach Figure 3-5
Note: Examine the README file to
understand the peripherals and pins used for this design.
The following list
provides a summary of the instructions to operate the GUI and generate the images
shown in Figure 3-6.
- Go to the Blood Pressure
Monitor tab.
- Click on the Start GUI
- The board starts streaming both
ADC channels over UART and the channels are displayed on the GUI windows.
- Click the Inflate Cuff
button to inflate the cuff to a target threshold pressure.
- At this point the program
stops the pump at the target pressure and starts to open the valve to
deflate the cuff and allow for cleaner sensor measurements.
- To stop the demonstration, click
on Deflate cuff to open the valve and turn off the pump, and then click
Stop GUI.