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Manufacturer of structured light scanners
Benano is an experienced manufacturer of structured light scanners in Asia and has dedicated many years to the development of structured light technology. The R&D department possesses strong research capabilities and practical experience in the optical inspection field, enabling them to provide comprehensive solutions to customers. With well-designed and functional products from Benano, customers can seamlessly integrate them into their own systems.
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Angebotene Ressourcen
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- Optisches Modul
Unterstützte Regionen
- Afrika
- China
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- Indien
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- Ozeanien
- Rest Asiens
- Südamerika
- 114, 2F, No. 106, Ruiguang Road, Neihu District
- Taipei
- United States
BENANO-3P-C2100 — Benano C2100 Modul für hochauflösende 3D-Scanner
The Benano C2100 module is a great evaluation platform to develop high resolution structured light based 3D scanning applications. This module uses DLP2010 DMD and DLPC3470 display and light controller to enable a affordable, small form factor 3D scanner. The module provides end user with high (...)
Optisches Modul
BENANO-3P-DLP2010-I — Benano optische Module für die Industrie mit DLP2010
BENANO is an independent third party company with expertise in designing and manufacturing optical modules utilizing DLP products. An optical module is a compact assembly that includes a digital micromirror device (DMD), an illumination source, optics and associated mechanics. These optical (...)