Radiocrafts AS

Providor of high performance RF modules using license-free ISM bands

Radiocrafts is a leading RF module design and manufacturing company. Radiocrafts’ standard RF modules provide compact, easy-to-use, low cost, low power and high performance RF solutions for a large number of wireless applications using license-free ISM bands. By using modules OEM manufacturers without RF design knowledge can easily add wireless technology into their design, reducing time-to-market, cost of design, test and compliance approvals. Radiocrafts also offers custom and application specific product development, supporting customers from initial project ideas to volume product delivery.

Radiocrafts currently provides solutions in the frequency bands 169, 433, 868, 915, 2450 MHz, supporting radio protocols such as Wireless M-Bus, KNX, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, SIGFOX, WIZE as well as proprietary solutions such as TinyMesh, RC232, and now our newest product lines, RIIoT and RIIM.

Drahtlos-MCUs für Sub-1 GHz
CC1310 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 Sub-1 GHz drahtloser MCU mit 128 kB Flash CC1312R Drahtloser SimpleLink™-Mikrocontroller ARM Cortex-M4F, 32 Bit, Sub-1 GHz, mit 352 kB Flash CC1314R10 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 Sub-1-GHz-Drahtlos-MCU mit 1 MB Flash und bis zu 296 KB SRAM CC1350 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 Multiprotokoll, Sub-1 GHz und 2,4 GHz drahtlose MCU mit 128 kB Flas CC1352R Multiprotokollfähiger drahtloser SimpleLink™-Mikrocontroller ARM Cortex-M4F, 32 Bit, Sub-1 GHz und 2


Energieeffiziente 2,4-GHz-Produkte
CC2530 Drahtlose ZigBee- und IEEE 802.15.4-MCU mit 256 kB Flash und 8 kB RAM


CC1020 Einzel-Chip-FSK/OOK CMOS-Drahtlos-Transceiver für Schmalbandanwendungen im Bereich 402–470 und 804–9 CC1120 Hochleistungsfähiger drahtloser Sub-1 GHz-Transceiver für Schmalbandsysteme CC1125 Extrem leistungsfähiger drahtloser Sub-1 GHz-Transceiver für Schmalbandsysteme CC1190 HF-Frontend 850−950 MHz CC1200 Hochleistungs-Drahtlos-Transceiver mit geringem Stromverbrauch


Weitere Drahtlosprodukte
CC2510 2,4-GHz-Funktransceiver, 8051 MCU und 16KB oder 32 KB Speicher CC2591 2,4-GHz-Bereichserweiterung CC2592 2,4-GHz-Reichweiten-Extender mit bis zu +22 dBm Ausgangsleistung
Angebotene Ressourcen
  • Evaluierungsplatine
Unterstützte Regionen
  • Europa
  • Nordamerika
  • Sandakerveien 64
  • NO-0484
  • Oslo



RDCR-3P-RADIO-MOD — Integrierte Radiocrafts-Funkmodule

Radiocrafts’ standard RF modules provide compact, easy-to-use, low cost, low power and high-performance RF solutions for a large number of wireless applications using license-free ISM bands (169 MHz – 2.4 GHz). Using modules, OEM manufacturers without RF design knowledge can easily add (...)

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