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Sundance Multiprocessor Technology

Sundance Multiprocessor Technology

Hardware module provider for DSP

Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd. was established in 1989. The Sundance company strategy is to produce a comprehensive range of competitively priced and well engineered products for the high-performance embedded processing market.

Our first products were designed for the parallel processing market. The product portfolio included PC add-in boards and modules. Sundance rapidly developed and built a wide range of processor modules and boards. The range included many special purpose modules and allowed Sundance to act as a ‘one-stop’ shop for system designers and manufacturers.

Today, the Sundance product range includes modular systems based on the Texas Instruments TMS320C6x (‘C6x) range of processors. Many products are now in their second or third generation, having been enhanced in response to customer demand.

Highspeed-DACs (> 10 MSPSS)
DAC3484 Vierkanaliger interpolierender Digital-Analog-Wandler (DAC), 16 Bit, 1,25 GSPS, 1–16x
Angebotene Ressourcen
  • Evaluierungsplatine
Unterstützte Regionen
  • Nordamerika
  • Unit 20, Chiltern House
  • Waterside
  • Chesham, HP5 1PS



SUNM-3P-SOM — Sundance Multiprozessor-Technologie Vierkanal-DAC-FMC-Modul mit 1,25 GHz und DAC3484

SMT-FMC211 uses the Texas Instruments 4 channel DAC – TI’s Quad 1.25GHz DAC3484. This device offers excellent SFDR performance better than 70dBc, with an output sample rate of over 312MSPS. It interfaces to an Artix-7 XC7A15T-2C FPGA using a 16 bit differential DDR bus. The FPGA (...)

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