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Ultichip Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
Ultichip is a leading chip solution provider for communication systems.
As the leader in open communication chip solutions, adhering to the principle of openness and win-win, Ultichip is commited to the ecological construction and development of the wireless communication industry, providing wireless acess key chips and products.
Ultichip has sufficient technology and patent accumulation in the field of wireless communication and Ultichip can quickly transform research results into products.The 5G base station digital front-end chip (UC1040) of Ultichip is the world's first open chip that meets O-RAN requirements, and this product has leading advantages in cost and performance. Ultichip provides a complete solution from chips to reference designs. In the future, a low-cost integrated base station solution UC6040 will be provided to meet the application scenarios of home base stations.
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ULTICHIP-3P-UC1046 — Ultichip Communication Technology smallcell solutions based on UC1046 and AFE7769
The Ultichip Communication Technology Blade40 is a low cost high performance PicoRU solution based on Ultichip's UC1046 DFE and TI's AFE7769 transceiver, supporting 4G LTE, 5G NR or 4/5G dual mode. Three models are available: Blade40-S3500 for 3.5-GHz band 5G NR 4T4R TDD mode, (...)