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Lincoln Technology Solutions
LCD display panel vendor, custom design services provider
Lincoln Technology Solutions is a Design Services and LCD Integration Company, focused on creating solutions with unrivaled optical performance. They have in-house engineering expertise in all disciplines with prototype manufacturing in NC, USA. They pride ourselves in offering the flexibility, agility, and creativity that you cannot find with other companies that offer similar services. All of our solutions focus on solving our customer’s challenges with a cost-effective, manufacturable product.
In addition, Lincoln Technology Solutions also offers turnkey production of their LCD solutions through their wholly owned ISO 9001 certified LCD factory in Shenzhen, China and their PCB and subassembly assembly partner in Thailand. They will create the LCD’s you need so you can provide the solutions that your customers demand.
Lincoln Technology Solutions is a certified veteran owned small business.
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- 111 Corning Road STE 116
- Cary, NC 27518
- Cary, 27518
- United States
LTS-3P-LCDK — Lincoln Technology Solutions LCD kits for MPU evaluation boards and development kits
Kit for evaluating LCD 10.1" LCD panels from Lincoln Technology Solutions that have been designed for maximum interoperability with the LVDS display output available on evaluation boards, single-board computers, and development kits for TI's AM6x family of Arm-based processors, starting (...)