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Pionix GmbH
Open-source software stacks and customized solutions for EV charging systems
PIONIX is a company that wants to accelerate the shift to clean mobility, and the company that initiated EVerest: a Linux-based open source software for AC and DC charging points.
With their deep knowledge of chargers, hardware components and software, PIONIX supports the full software product lifecycle. Under the product name BaseCamp PIONIX provides maintenance, integration and update services for the EVerest system.
This mission of PIONIX is to make sure that your chargers are up and running and ready to charge any car any time.
EVerest integrates all relevant charging standards like OCPP 1.6 and 2.0, ISO 15118, DIN SPEC 70121, EN61851 and all further standards to come. User interfaces and other features can be added to make the charger unique for your customer. EVerest is licensed under Apache 2.0, so can be fully commercialized, with your own additions and features and your own license.
As part of the Linux Foundation Energy, the EVerest community will also implement future requirements like grid relevant mechanisms (such as, dynamic electricity price, load balancing / reduction or smart home).
By using the readily-available EVerest software stack, EV chargers can be brought to market faster and cheaper with reduced risks.
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- Ewald-Renz-Straße 1a
- 76669 Bad Schönborn, Germany
- Bad Schönborn, 76669
- Germany
PIONX-3P-SW-EVSE — Sistema operativo de código abierto PIONIX® EVerest para estaciones de carga de vehículos eléctricos
EVerest es un software de código abierto basado en Linux para puntos de carga de CA y CC.
EVerest está integrando todas las normas de carga relevantes, como OCPP 1.6 y 2.0, ISO 15118, DIN SPEC 70121, EN61851 y todas las normas futuras. Se pueden agregar interfaces de usuario y otras funciones para (...)