Recom Power GmbH

Electronic power products and solutions

RECOM manufactures a full range of standard and customized DC/DC and AC/DC converters in every power class from sub-1W to tens of kW, alongside switching regulators and LED drivers in a wide selection of formats. The company headquarters are located in Gmunden, Austria, and include a state-of-the-art logistics, research and development center, and laboratory wing and is supported by a worldwide distribution network. The RECOM name has become synonymous with high quality, integrity, innovation, and excellent customer service.
絶縁型 CAN トランシーバ
ISO1042 70V バス障害保護機能搭載、フレキシブル・データ・レート、絶縁型 CAN トランシーバ
  • 評価ボード
  • アジアの他の地域
  • アフリカ
  • インド
  • オセアニア
  • ヨーロッパ
  • 中国
  • 北米
  • 南アメリカ
  • 日本
  • Münzfeld 35, 4810
  • Gmunden



RECOM-3P-R-REF03-CAN1 — Recom isolated CAN and power reference board with ISO1042 and R1SX-3.305/H isolated DC/DC converter

Recom's R-REF03-CAN1 reference board allows design engineers to quickly develop and analyze isolated CAN bus systems. It includes the galvanically-isolated ISO1042 CAN transceiver, which supports up to 5-Mbps data rate in CAN FD mode allowing much faster transfer of payload compared to classic (...)

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