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System on module vendor for TI Arm-based processors with in-house manufacturing and design services
TQ Embedded is a leading manufacturer of embedded systems, offering a wide range of TI based solutions on embedded system on modules. TQ offers these in different form factors, with modules available as connector or LGA (land grid array) versions and offering nearly 100% access to all MPU signals.
TQ has almost 25 years of experience in the development of embedded systems (hardware & software). TQ experts provide support not only during the free schematic review, but also comprehensively during and after the development at the customer's site.
Beyond the design phase, TQ provides support as a competent partner with continuous software updates (BSP) or active obsolescence management. As a solution provider for development, production, certification and assembly of complete devices, TQ supports a complete range of services.
TQ orients itself very closely to customers and market developments, staying in close contact with customers and their concerns - TQ follows trends and deals with them, such as, fieldbus communication in industrial automation or support for additional cores.
Everything from one source - technology in quality - Made in Germany.
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TQ-3P-SITARASOMS — TQ Group 社 Sitara SOM
TQ-3P-SOM-TQMA243XL — TQ-Group TQMa243xL system on module for AM2434 Arm-based microcontroller
The embedded module TQMA243XL, is based on the processor family AM243x quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F-based MCU. This LGA (land grid array) module is designed to use the pin compatible processors on one module design. This module is ideally suited for headless applications with extended (...)
TQ-3P-SOM-TQMA62XX — TQ-Group TQMa62xx system on modules for AM623 and AM625 Arm Cortex-A53 1.4-GHz processors
The embedded module TQMa62xx, is based on the processor family AM623 and AM625 processor family. This module is designed to use the pin-compatible processors on one module design. This module is ideal for applications that require advanced computing power and scalable graphics performance. The (...)
TQ-3P-SOM-TQMA64XXL — TQ-Group TQMa64xxL system on module for AM6442 processor
The embedded module TQMa64xxL is based on the AM64x processor family. This land grid array (LGA) module is designed to use the pin compatible processors on one module design. This module is ideally suited for headless applications with extended real-time requirements. The CPU offers integrated (...)
TQ-3P-SOM-TQMA65XX — AM6528 Arm ベースのプロセッサ向け、TQ-Group 社の TQMa65xx システム・オン・モジュール (SoM)
TI (テキサス・インスツルメンツ) の ARM® Cortex®-A53 技術をベースにした組込みモジュール TQMa65xx。内蔵のグラフィックス・コントローラは、ディスプレイとタッチ機能を搭載したアプリケーションのサポートに活用できます。ネットワーク、産業用オートメーション、制御システムなど、高速で高信頼性のデータ処理を必要とする多様なアプリケーション向けに、4 種類のプロセッサを取り揃えています。CPU に統合済みの PRU (プログラマブル・リアルタイム・ユニット) と、TSN をサポートする最大 6 (...)