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Wintech Digital Systems Technology
DSP and DLP optical engine design and manufacturer
Wintech Digital Systems Technology Corp. is a DSP and DLP® Development Company that specializes in DSP development platforms and custom DLP® optical engine design and manufacturing. Wintech has been in the electronics engineering industry for nearly 20 years and has serviced more than 10,000 customers worldwide. During this time we have developed numerous partner relationships and a unique supply chain that caters to both high and low volume customer needs. By leveraging our global supply chain, Wintech is able to deliver custom products faster and at lower prices than our competitors. Let our knowledge and experience work for you.
Wintech has a strong internal R&D capability as more than 90% of ourstaffare engineers. We also possess a strong project management team that thrives on delivering products on time. Wintech’s electronics expertise has earned multiple patents and has resulted in the publication of numerous books on the topic of DSP. Wintech has offices and distributors in the U.S., China, Asia, and Europe. Our distributors can be found in Korea, Japan, Israel, India, Germany, England and Taiwan. If you are interested in becoming a Wintech distributor, please contact info@wintechdigital.com.
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WDST-3P-PRO4500 — WDST-3P-PRO4500
WDST-3P-PRO6500 — WDST-3P-PRO6500
WDST-3P-PRO650NIR — Wintech PRO650NIR 大出力、描画ヘッド
PRO650NIR 描画ヘッドは、TI の DLP650LNIR 0.65 インチ WXGA DMD と DLPC410 のチップセットを搭載しています。このチップセットは、(ナイロン・アプリケーションを含めた) 選択層焼結、動的レーザー・マーキング、産業用印刷の各アプリケーションを想定しています。PRO650LNIR は、Wintech が提供する 1064nm または 976nm のファイバ・レーザーを使用して 100W を上回る出力を供給します。これら以外に、お客様が用意したレーザーを、内蔵の SMA905 ファイバ・インターフェイスと組み合わせて使用することもできます。既製の (...)
WDST-3P-PRO6600 — Wintech PRO6600 4K UHD Production Ready Optical Engine
WDST-3P-W4100 — Wintech W4100 高速開発キット
SDK4100 (...)