특정 정보 및 리소스(비-TI 사이트 링크 포함)는 TI의 파트너 네트워크의 회원이 제공할 수 있으며 편의를 위해 여기에 포함되어 있습니다. TI는 이러한 정보 및 리소스의 콘텐츠를 제공할 책임이 없으며, 의도한 용도 및 사용자를 대신하여 신중하게 평가해야 합니다. 이러한 정보 및 리소스를 여기에 포함한다는 것은 TI가 이러한 회사를 보증한다는 의미가 아니며, TI 제품 또는 서비스의 적합성과 관련된 보증이나 표현으로 해석해서는 안 됩니다
Mistral Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Technology design and systems engineering company
Mistral is a technology design and systems engineering company providing end-to-end solutions for product design and application deployment. Mistral is focused in three business domains: Product Engineering Services, Defense Solutions and Homeland Security. Mistral provides total solutions for a given requirement, which may include hardware board design, embedded software development, FPGA design, systems integration and customized turnkey solutions. Mistral's strategic partnerships with leading technology companies help provide customers with a comprehensive package of end-to-end solutions.
Mistral’s Product Engineering Services are delivered through a proven development process, designed for embedded product development. Mistral’s hardware and software team work in a seamless manner providing expert product designs covering Board/FPGA Designs, BSP/Firmware developments, Embedded Application developments, integration of 3rd party solutions, V&V, product prototyping and product sustenance services.
Mistral’s Defense Solutions comprises of end-to-end solutions for complex requirements of defense applications like Defense Electronics, Radar Signal Processing, Telemetry, Avionics, Electronics Warfare and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Mistral’s Homeland Security group offers ready to deploy, proven, high-technology security solutions for strategic and tactical operations.
- 파트너에 문의하기
- www.mistralsolutions.com
- 평가 보드
- 북미
- No.60, ‘Adarsh Regent’, 100 Feet Ring Road
- Domlur Extension
- Bangalore, 560 071
- India
MISTR-3P-POM-AM437X — Mistral Solutions AM437x PoM 및 애플리케이션 보드
MISTR-3P-SOM-AM65X — Mistral 솔루션 AM65x SOM(시스템 온 모듈)
The AM65x SOM from Mistral is an easy to use, compact, light-weight system on module (SOM) providing very high processing power for industrial applications. This module is based on Texas Instruments Sitara™ AM6548 SoC and is ideal for complex processing, connectivity and control required for (...)