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Vector Informatik GmbH
Automotive software solution provider
For more than 35 years, Vector has been your capable partner in the development of automotive electronics. More than 4,000 employees at 33 locations worldwide support manufacturers and suppliers of the automotive industry and related industries with a professional platform of tools, software components and services for developing embedded systems. Driven by our passion for technology we develop solutions which relieve engineers of their demanding tasks. Not only do our employees work on tomorrow’s electronic technologies every single day. We also engage variously in education, research and social responsibility.
+49 711 80670-0
- 聯絡合作夥伴
- www.vector.com/int/en
- 支援軟體
- 北美
- Holderäckerstr. 36
- Stuttgart, 70499
- Germany
VCTR-3P-MICROSAR — 適用於微控制器和高性能電腦 (HPC) 的 Vector MICROSAR AUTOSAR 軟體
MICROSAR 與 DaVinci 產品系列透過適用於微控制器與 HPC 的精密嵌入式軟體和強大開發工具,簡化 ECU 開發。有了先進的基礎架構軟體,您即可為 ECU 建立最佳基礎,並利用相關工具簡化所有相關開發作業。MICROSAR 嵌入式軟體是根據 AUTOSAR 經典和適應性等相關標準所開發。軟體也適合符合最高 ASIL D 之 ISO 26262 標準的安全相關應用。此外,智慧網路安全功能可保護控制單元免受未經授權的存取和竄改。Vector 涵蓋所有汽車與其他工業應用的使用案例。對於配備高性能電腦的軟體定義車輛 (SDV),其可提供現代車輛作業系統,以做為開放式模組化軟體生態系統。