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DLP design house & module provider
ViALUX GmbH is a fully privately held company. It was established in 2000 in Chemnitz/Germany. The ViALUX team has long-term experience in optics, image processing, and optoelectronics. Knowledge and skill of the highly qualified team of engineers is the source of product innovations at the leading edge of technology. A network of distributors covers the industrial areas in Asia, America, and Europe providing local service. Exporting more than 80% of its annual production ViALUX is proud to serve customers worldwide.
ViALUX develops, produces, and distributes electro-optical components and optical measurement systems for 3D-shape and deformation analysis. ViALUX products are successfully sold into different markets: automotive industry, steel industry, machine-vision industry, life science, medicine, and research & development. Three main products represent the ViALUX portfolio:
- DLP Products
- zSnapper® 3D scanner
- AutoGrid® strain measurement
As a Design House Partner for the Texas Instruments DLP® line of products, ViALUX has been supporting new emerging DLP applications since more than 20 years. Our DLP subsystems enable customers to get full-scale access to the outstanding DLP performance and to step easily into the digital micro mirror technology. The ViALUX engineers provide comprehensive consultation and product support including all aspects of high-speed DMD control, solid-state light sources, and light engine design.
Based upon DLP technology ViALUX offers full-field 3D scanner systems which allow medical grade 3D scanning with high reliability and accuracy concurrent with ease of use. Unique hardware design and long-term proven sophisticated software algorithms yield outstanding 3D frame rates of 40 Hz for capturing full body or body parts. ViALUX zSnapper® devices are successfully used in health care facilities and clinics.
High-precision photogrammetry is implemented in the AutoGrid® strain measurement systems. Designed and developed along the needs in sheet metal industry AutoGrid® technology has become the proven solution for strain analysis in an industrial environment of a stamping plant. AutoGrid® strain measurement solutions benefit the international automotive industry including Tier1 suppliers, die makers, and integrators as well as steel producers.
With a company-wide emphasis on quality, ViALUX maintains an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2012 certified Quality Assurance program. Clear organization structure, well-defined goals and strategies, efficient and transparent controlling processes are guarantee for top product quality.
+49 3713342470
- 聯絡合作夥伴
- www.vialux.de/en/index.html
- 光學模組
- 應用軟體及架構
- 開發套件
- 開發板
- 中國
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- Reichenhainer Str. 88
- Chemnitz, Sachsen, 09126
- Germany
VIALUX-3P-DLP-070 — 適用於 DLP7000 的 VIALUX DLS 直接連結感測器
ViALUX's Direct Link 感測器為 DLP7000 提供的整合式光學與電子設計。DLS 模組可處理 3D 機械視覺應用實例,因該實例會要求耦合高性能 DLP 投影與精確同步影像擷取。DLS 概念克服了以前對圖案投影儀和相機的多個獨立設備的需求。DLS 在單一電子裝置中整合了 DLP 晶片和影像感測器。使用者定義投影序列,並在返回時接收對應的影像序列。
DLS API 啓用任何類型的模式序列,這些模式序列在位元深度、圖片數量和幀率方面可能會有差異。另外還有一個軟體套件 (zSn.dll),用於高速和高精度的 3D 座標量測應用。這款功能強大的 3D 量測軟體是爲 ViALUX (...)
VIALUX-3P-DLP6500FLQ-I — 適合使用 DLP6500FLQ 之工業的 ViALUX GmbH 光學模組
VIALUX-3P-DLP650LNIR-I — 適合使用 DLP650LNIR 之工業的 ViALUX GmbH 光學模組
VIALUX-3P-DLP7000-I — 適合使用 DLP7000 之工業的 ViALUX GmbH 光學模組
VIALUX-3P-DLP7000UV-I — 適合使用 DLP7000UV 之工業的 ViALUX GmbH 光學模組
VIALUX-3P-DLP9000X-I — 適合使用 DLP9000X 之工業的 ViALUX GmbH 光學模組
VIALUX-3P-DLP9000XUV-I — 適合使用 DLP9000XUV 之工業的 ViALUX GmbH 光學模組
VIALUX-3P-DLP9500-I — 適合使用 DLP9500 之工業的 ViALUX GmbH 光學模組
VIALUX-3P-DLP9500UV-I — 適合使用 DLP9500UV 之工業的 ViALUX GmbH 光學模組
VIALUX-3P-STAR-065 — 用於 DLP6500 的 ViALUX STAR-065 光學模組
Refer to the ordering links below for (...)
VIALUX-3P-STAR-070 — 用於 DLP7000 的 ViALUX STAR-070 光學模組
STAR-07 是高效能 DLP® 模式投影機系列,可提供不同波長。每個產品替代方案都具備經驗證的精巧光學元件、高功率 LED 光源、主動冷卻系統,以及各種不同的外殼。如果提出要求,且每個 LED 皆具有獨立驅動器,則也會提供 RGB 選項。STAR-07 以 0.7" DLP 格式為基礎,專爲工業和研究領域的高需求應用所設計。此產品隨附 ViALUX 的 ALP 控制器套件,此控制器套件是完整配置的高速 FPGA 邏輯和韌體。
VIALUX-3P-V-MODULES-410 — 適用於 DLPC410 的 ViALUX V 模組
VIALUX-3P-SUPER-910 — 適用於 DLPC910 的 ViALUX 超高速 V 模組
ViALUX 的 SuperSpeed V 模組提供完整子系統,內含 DLPC910 的控制器電路板、數位微型反射鏡元件 (DLP6500FLQ 或 DLP9000X) 及 ALP-4 控制器套件軟體。工業級模組支援高性能立即可用像素等級控制。這些 DLP 子系統專爲新興應用而設計,配備功能豐富的編程介面,可在短時間內推出新產品。
DMD 板的精巧設計透過耦合兩個 PCB (而非只有一個) 邊緣的撓性導線連接,可減少組裝空間。此外,現在使用剛性撓性 PCB,允許撓性連接的角度佈線爲 90°。
透過轉動 DMD 45° 的微鏡鉸鏈軸,可簡化 DMD (...)