The HC40105 and HCT40105 are high-speed silicon-gate CMOS devices that are compatible, except for "shift-out" circuitry, with the CD40105B. They are low-power first-in-out (FIFO) "elastic" storage registers that can store 16 four-bit words. The 40105 is capable of handling input and output data at different shifting rates. This feature makes particularly useful as a buffer between asynchronous systems.
Each work position in the register is clocked by a control flip-flop, which stores a marker bit. A "1" signifies that the positions data is filled and a "0" denotes a vacancy in that position. The control flip-flop detects the state of the preceding flip-flop and communicates its own status to the succeeding flip-flop. When a control flip-flop is in the "0" state and sees a "1" in the preceeding flip-flop, it generates a clock pulse that transfers data from the preceding four data latches into its own four data latches and resets the preceding flip-flop to "0". The first and last control flip-flops have buffered outputs. Since all empty locations "bubble" automatically to the input end, and all valid data ripple through to the output end, the status of the first control flip-flop (DATA-IN READY) indicates if the FIFO is full, and the status of the last flip-flop (DATA-OUT READY) indicates if the FIFO contains data. As the earliest data are removed from the bottom of the data stack (the output end), all data entered later will automatically propagate (ripple) toward the output.
The HC40105 and HCT40105 are high-speed silicon-gate CMOS devices that are compatible, except for "shift-out" circuitry, with the CD40105B. They are low-power first-in-out (FIFO) "elastic" storage registers that can store 16 four-bit words. The 40105 is capable of handling input and output data at different shifting rates. This feature makes particularly useful as a buffer between asynchronous systems.
Each work position in the register is clocked by a control flip-flop, which stores a marker bit. A "1" signifies that the positions data is filled and a "0" denotes a vacancy in that position. The control flip-flop detects the state of the preceding flip-flop and communicates its own status to the succeeding flip-flop. When a control flip-flop is in the "0" state and sees a "1" in the preceeding flip-flop, it generates a clock pulse that transfers data from the preceding four data latches into its own four data latches and resets the preceding flip-flop to "0". The first and last control flip-flops have buffered outputs. Since all empty locations "bubble" automatically to the input end, and all valid data ripple through to the output end, the status of the first control flip-flop (DATA-IN READY) indicates if the FIFO is full, and the status of the last flip-flop (DATA-OUT READY) indicates if the FIFO contains data. As the earliest data are removed from the bottom of the data stack (the output end), all data entered later will automatically propagate (ripple) toward the output.