6-Gbps-HDMI 2.0/5,4-Gbps-DisplayPort 1.2a 1-zu-2/2-zu-1-Differenzial-Mux unterstützt DDC/AUX-Schalte
- General purpose 2:1/1:2 differential switch
- Compatible with displayport electrical standard
- Compatible with hdmi electrical standards
- 2:1 and 1:2 switching supporting data rates up to 6 Gbps
- Supports HPD switching
- Supports AUX and DDC switching
- Wide –3-dB differential bandwidth of 7 GHz
- Excellent dynamic characteristics (at 3 GHz)
- Crosstalk = –35 dB
- Isolation = –21 dB
- Insertion Loss = –1.6 dB
- Return Loss = –12 dB
- Max Bit-Bit Skew = 5 ps
- VDD operating range 3.3 V ±10%
- Commercial temperature range: 0°C to 70°C (HD3SS215)
- Industrial temperature range: –40°C to 85°C (HD3SS215I)
- Package options:
- 5 mm x 5 mm, 50-ball ZXH
- 8 mm × 8 mm, 56-pin RTQ
- Output enable (OE) pin disables switch to save power
- Power consumption:
- Active < 9 mW typical
- Standby < 30 µW maximum (when OE = L)
HD3SS215 is a high-speed wide common mode passive switch capable of supporting DisplayPort HBR2 and high definition multimedia interface (HDMI) applications requiring 4k2k 60Hz refresh rates. The HD3SS215 can be configured to support two sources to one sink or one source to two sinks. To support these video standards the HD3SS215 also switches the display data channel (DDC) and hot plug detect (HPD) signals for HDMI or digital video interface (DVI) applications. It also switches the auxiliary (AUX) and hot plug detect (HPD) signals for DisplayPort applications. The flexibility the HD3SS215 provides by supporting both wide common mode and AC or DC coupled links makes it ideal for many applications.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
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HD3SS215EVM — HD3SS215EVM: Differenzieller Schalter, 2:1/1:2, 6,0 Gbit/s, HDMI 2.0/DisplayPort 1,2 A
The HD3SS215EVM features the HD3SS215 which is a high-speed passive switch capable of switching two full 4-lane ports from one of two sources to one target location in an application or from one source to one of two targets. The signal pass through the switch can be DisplayPort or HDMI/DVI signal. (...)
PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® für TI Design-und Simulationstool
TINA-TI — SPICE-basiertes analoges Simulationsprogramm
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
NFBGA (ZXH) | 50 | Ultra Librarian |
VQFN (RTQ) | 56 | Ultra Librarian |
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