

Lastschalter mit 4 Kanälen, 3,6 V, 1 A, 41 mΩ, I2C-Steuerung

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Number of channels 4 Vin (min) (V) 1 Vin (max) (V) 3.6 Imax (A) 1 Ron (typ) (mΩ) 41 Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 7 Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (µA) 21.1 Soft start Adjustable Rise Time Current limit type None Features Quick output discharge Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 FET Internal Device type Load switches Function Inrush current control
Number of channels 4 Vin (min) (V) 1 Vin (max) (V) 3.6 Imax (A) 1 Ron (typ) (mΩ) 41 Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 7 Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (µA) 21.1 Soft start Adjustable Rise Time Current limit type None Features Quick output discharge Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 FET Internal Device type Load switches Function Inrush current control
WQFN (RUK) 20 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Input Voltage: 1.0 V to 3.6 V
  • Low ON-State Resistance (VBIAS = 7.2 V)
    • RON = 41 mΩ at VIN = 3.3 V
    • RON = 41 mΩ at VIN = 1.8 V
    • RON = 41 mΩ at VIN = 1.5 V
    • RON = 41 mΩ at VIN = 1.0 V
  • VBIAS voltage range: 2.7 V to 17.2 V
    • Suitable for 1S/2S/3S/4S Li-ion Battery Topologies
  • 1-A Max Continuous Current Per Channel
  • Quiescent Current
    • Single Channel < 12 µA
    • All Four Channels < 22 µA
  • Shutdown Current (All Four Channels) < 7 µA
  • Four 1.2-V Compatible GPIO Control Inputs
  • I2C Configuration (Per Channel)
    • On/Off Control
    • Programmable Slew Rate Control (5 options)
    • Programmable ON-delay (4 options)
    • Programmable Output Discharge (4 options)
  • I2C SwitchALL Command for Multi-channel/Multi-chip Control
  • QFN-20 package, 3 mm x 3 mm, 0.75 mm height
  • Input Voltage: 1.0 V to 3.6 V
  • Low ON-State Resistance (VBIAS = 7.2 V)
    • RON = 41 mΩ at VIN = 3.3 V
    • RON = 41 mΩ at VIN = 1.8 V
    • RON = 41 mΩ at VIN = 1.5 V
    • RON = 41 mΩ at VIN = 1.0 V
  • VBIAS voltage range: 2.7 V to 17.2 V
    • Suitable for 1S/2S/3S/4S Li-ion Battery Topologies
  • 1-A Max Continuous Current Per Channel
  • Quiescent Current
    • Single Channel < 12 µA
    • All Four Channels < 22 µA
  • Shutdown Current (All Four Channels) < 7 µA
  • Four 1.2-V Compatible GPIO Control Inputs
  • I2C Configuration (Per Channel)
    • On/Off Control
    • Programmable Slew Rate Control (5 options)
    • Programmable ON-delay (4 options)
    • Programmable Output Discharge (4 options)
  • I2C SwitchALL Command for Multi-channel/Multi-chip Control
  • QFN-20 package, 3 mm x 3 mm, 0.75 mm height

The TPS22994 is a multi-channel, low RON load switch with user programmable features. The device contains four N-channel MOSFETs that can operate over an input voltage range of 1.0 V to 3.6 V. The switch can be controlled by I2C making it ideal for usage with processors that have limited GPIO available. The rise time of the TPS22994 device is internally controlled in order to avoid inrush current. The TPS22994 has five programmable slew rate options, four ON-delay options, and four quick output discharge (QOD) resistance options.

The channels of the device can be controlled via either GPIO or I2C. The default mode of operation is GPIO control through the ONx terminals. The I2C slave address terminals can be tied high or low to assign seven unique device addresses.

The TPS22994 is available in a space-saving RUK package (0.4-mm pitch) and is characterized for operation over the free-air temperature range of –40°C to 85°C.

The TPS22994 is a multi-channel, low RON load switch with user programmable features. The device contains four N-channel MOSFETs that can operate over an input voltage range of 1.0 V to 3.6 V. The switch can be controlled by I2C making it ideal for usage with processors that have limited GPIO available. The rise time of the TPS22994 device is internally controlled in order to avoid inrush current. The TPS22994 has five programmable slew rate options, four ON-delay options, and four quick output discharge (QOD) resistance options.

The channels of the device can be controlled via either GPIO or I2C. The default mode of operation is GPIO control through the ONx terminals. The I2C slave address terminals can be tied high or low to assign seven unique device addresses.

The TPS22994 is available in a space-saving RUK package (0.4-mm pitch) and is characterized for operation over the free-air temperature range of –40°C to 85°C.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS22994 Quad Channel Load Switch with GPIO and I2C Control datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 26 Sep 2014
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