

Controlador rectificador síncrono doble de alta frecuencia para convertidores LLC

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Detalles del producto

Vin (max) (V) 26 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode VDS sensing Topology LLC Rating Catalog Features Automatic Standby Mode, Dual Channel, Proportional gate drive, Synchronous Rectifier, USB C/PD compatible
Vin (max) (V) 26 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode VDS sensing Topology LLC Rating Catalog Features Automatic Standby Mode, Dual Channel, Proportional gate drive, Synchronous Rectifier, USB C/PD compatible
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • 230-V VD pins rating
  • 23-ns turn-off delay to support LLC operating above resonant frequency and up to 625-kHz switching frequency
  • Proportional gate drive to extend the SR conduction time
  • Adjustable turn-off threshold for minimum body diode conduction
  • Automatic standby mode detection with 180 µA of low standby current
  • Wide 4.25-V to 26-V VDD operation range with internal clamp
  • Adaptive turn-on delay for better DCM ring rejection
  • Two-channel interlock to prevent shoot-through
  • Integrated 1.5-A source and 4-A sink capability gate driver for N-channel MOSFETs
  • 8-pin SOIC package
  • 230-V VD pins rating
  • 23-ns turn-off delay to support LLC operating above resonant frequency and up to 625-kHz switching frequency
  • Proportional gate drive to extend the SR conduction time
  • Adjustable turn-off threshold for minimum body diode conduction
  • Automatic standby mode detection with 180 µA of low standby current
  • Wide 4.25-V to 26-V VDD operation range with internal clamp
  • Adaptive turn-on delay for better DCM ring rejection
  • Two-channel interlock to prevent shoot-through
  • Integrated 1.5-A source and 4-A sink capability gate driver for N-channel MOSFETs
  • 8-pin SOIC package

The UCC24624 high-performance synchronous rectifier (SR) controller is dedicated for LLC resonant converters to replace the lossy diode output rectifiers with SR MOSFETs and improve the overall system efficiency.

The UCC24624 SR controller uses drain-to-source voltage sensing method to achieve on and off control of the SR MOSFET. Proportional gate drive is implemented to extend the SR conduction time, minimize the body diode conduction time. To compensate for the offset voltage caused by the SR MOSFET parasitic inductance, the UCC24624 implements an adjustable positive turn-off threshold to accommodate different SR MOSFET packages. UCC24624 has a built-in 475-ns on-time blanking and a fixed 650-ns off-time blanking to avoid SR false turn-on and turn-off. UCC24624 also integrates a two-channel interlock function that prevents the two SRs from being on at the same time. With 230-V voltage-sensing pins and 28-V ABS maximum VDD rating, it can be directly used in converters with output voltage up to 24.75 V. The internal clamp allows the controller to support 36-V output voltage easily by adding an external current limiting resistor on VDD.


The UCC24624 high-performance synchronous rectifier (SR) controller is dedicated for LLC resonant converters to replace the lossy diode output rectifiers with SR MOSFETs and improve the overall system efficiency.

The UCC24624 SR controller uses drain-to-source voltage sensing method to achieve on and off control of the SR MOSFET. Proportional gate drive is implemented to extend the SR conduction time, minimize the body diode conduction time. To compensate for the offset voltage caused by the SR MOSFET parasitic inductance, the UCC24624 implements an adjustable positive turn-off threshold to accommodate different SR MOSFET packages. UCC24624 has a built-in 475-ns on-time blanking and a fixed 650-ns off-time blanking to avoid SR false turn-on and turn-off. UCC24624 also integrates a two-channel interlock function that prevents the two SRs from being on at the same time. With 230-V voltage-sensing pins and 28-V ABS maximum VDD rating, it can be directly used in converters with output voltage up to 24.75 V. The internal clamp allows the controller to support 36-V output voltage easily by adding an external current limiting resistor on VDD.


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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet UCC24624 Dual-Channel Synchronous Rectifier Controller for LLC Resonant Converters datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 28 feb 2022
White paper Optimizing a Synchronous Rectification Scheme in CLLLC PDF | HTML 23 jul 2024
Technical article High-frequency resonant converter design considerations, Part 2 PDF | HTML 21 dic 2023
Application note Configs of Secondary Rectifier Circuit for LLC Resonant Converter Using UCC24624 PDF | HTML 21 dic 2021
Application note Design Considerations With Dual-Channel SR Controller UCC24624 04 jun 2020
Technical article How to reduce audible noise and power consumption at standby in your AC/DC design PDF | HTML 22 abr 2020
EVM User's guide PFCLLCSREVM-034 User Guide 26 jul 2019
Technical article Three considerations for achieving high efficiency and reliability in industrial A PDF | HTML 04 abr 2019
EVM User's guide The UCC24624EVM-015 LLC Gate Driver Evaluation Module (Rev. A) 04 dic 2018
Application note Improving ZVS and efficiency in LLC converters 05 nov 2018
Application brief Boosting LLC Resonant Converter Efficiency by Using the UCC24624 23 oct 2018

Diseño y desarrollo

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Placa de evaluación

PFCLLCSREVM034 — EVM de CA a CC aislada con UCC28056B, UCC256404 y UCC24624

PFCLLCSREVM034 is a 168-W AC/DC supply with a transition-mode power-factor-correction front end and isolated half-bridge LLC resonant converter with synchronous rectification. This EVM accepts AC input from 90 Vrms to 264 Vrms and outputs 12-V DC with 168-W full-load output power.

Guía del usuario: PDF
Tarjeta secundaria

UCC24624EVM — Módulo de evaluación UCC24624 de controlador de puerta LLC

The UCC24624EVM-015 evaluation module (EVM) is used to convert the output rectifier of a LLC converter from diodes to synchronous rectifiers (SR) FETs to investigate and evaluate the efficiency benefits of using an SR over a rectifier diode.
Guía del usuario: PDF
Modelo de simulación

UCC24624 SIMPLIS Model (Rev. A)

SLUM645A.ZIP (1115 KB) - SIMPLIS Model
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-010080 — Diseño de referencia de CA/CC de control analógico de 500 W y >94,5 % de eficiencia para rectificado

Este diseño de referencia compacto y de alta eficiencia con una salida de 48 V CC y 500 W está orientado a la alimentación de telecomunicaciones 5G y fuentes de alimentación de CA/CC industriales. El circuito consta de un circuito frontal de corrección del factor de potencia (PFC) en modo de (...)
Design guide: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-010081 — Diseño de referencia de CA/CC de control analógico de 1 kW y >95 % de eficiencia para rectificador d

This compact, high efficiency reference design with a 54-V DC, 1000-W output targets 5G telecom power and industrial AC/DC power supplies. The circuit consists of a front-end continuous conduction mode (CCM) power factor correction (PFC) circuit based on the UCC28180, followed by a robust LLC (...)
Design guide: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Diseños de referencia

PMP21683 — Diseño de referencia de convertidor resonante de 48 V/550 W

This resonant converter reference design takes a 380-V to 420-V DC input and generates a 48-V up to 550-W output. With the UCC256302 driver-integrated resonant converter controller and UCC24624, a two-channel synchronous rectifier (SR) driver, this design can achieve 97.95% peak efficiency.
Test report: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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