176-pin (PTP) package image

TMS320C6745DPTPD4 アクティブ

低消費電力 C674x 浮動小数点 DSP - 456MHz、QFP 封止


数量 価格


定格 Catalog
RoHS はい
リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料 NIPDAU
MSL rating / リフローピーク温度 Level-4-260C-72 HR


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL rating / リフローピーク温度
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果


  • ファブ拠点
  • アセンブリ拠点



  • US ECCN (米国輸出規制分類番号):3A991A2

TMS320C6745 に関するその他の情報


パッケージ | ピン数 HLQFP (PTP) | 176
動作温度範囲 (℃) -40 to 90
パッケージ数量 | キャリア 40 | JEDEC TRAY (5+1)

TMS320C6745 の特徴

  • Software Support
    • TI DSP/BIOS™
    • Chip Support Library and DSP Library
  • 375- and 456-MHz TMS320C674x VLIW DSP
  • C674x Instruction Set Features
    • Superset of the C67x+ and C64x+ ISAs
    • Up to 3648 MIPS and 2736 MFLOPS C674x
    • Byte-Addressable (8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-Bit Data)
    • 8-Bit Overflow Protection
    • Bit-Field Extract, Set, Clear
    • Normalization, Saturation, Bit-Counting
    • Compact 16-Bit Instructions
  • C674x Two-Level Cache Memory Architecture
    • 32KB of L1P Program RAM/Cache
    • 32KB of L1D Data RAM/Cache
    • 256KB of L2 Unified Mapped RAM/Cache
    • Flexible RAM/Cache Partition (L1 and L2)
  • Enhanced Direct Memory Access Controller 3 (EDMA3):
    • 2 Transfer Controllers
    • 32 Independent DMA Channels
    • 8 Quick DMA Channels
    • Programmable Transfer Burst Size
  • TMS320C674x Fixed- and Floating-Point VLIW DSP Core
    • Load-Store Architecture with Nonaligned Support
    • 64 General-Purpose Registers (32-Bit)
    • Six ALU (32- and 40-Bit) Functional Units
      • Supports 32-Bit Integer, SP (IEEE Single Precision/32-Bit) and DP (IEEE Double Precision/64-Bit) Floating Point
      • Supports up to Four SP Additions Per Clock, Four DP Additions Every 2 Clocks
      • Supports up to Two Floating-Point (SP or DP) Reciprocal Approximation (RCPxP) and Square-Root Reciprocal Approximation (RSQRxP) Operations Per Cycle
    • Two Multiply Functional Units
      • Mixed-Precision IEEE Floating Point Multiply Supported up to:
        • 2 SP x SP -> SP Per Clock
        • 2 SP x SP -> DP Every Two Clocks
        • 2 SP x DP -> DP Every Three Clocks
        • 2 DP x DP -> DP Every Four Clocks
      • Fixed-Point Multiply Supports Two 32 x 32-Bit Multiplies, Four 16 x 16-Bit Multiplies, or Eight 8 x 8-Bit Multiplies per Clock Cycle, and Complex Multiples
    • Instruction Packing Reduces Code Size
    • All Instructions Conditional
    • Hardware Support for Modulo Loop
    • Protected Mode Operation
    • Exceptions Support for Error Detection and Program Redirection
  • 128KB of RAM Shared Memory (TMS320C6747 Only)
  • 3.3-V LVCMOS I/Os (Except for USB Interfaces)
  • Two External Memory Interfaces:
    • EMIFA
      • NOR (8- or 16-Bit-Wide Data)
      • NAND (8- or 16-Bit-Wide Data)
      • 16-Bit SDRAM with 128-MB Address Space (TMS320C6747 Only)
    • EMIFB
      • 32-Bit or 16-Bit SDRAM with 256-MB Address Space (TMS320C6747)
      • 16-Bit SDRAM with 128-MB Address Space (TMS320C6745)
  • Three Configurable 16550-Type UART Modules:
    • UART0 with Modem Control Signals
    • Autoflow Control Signals (CTS, RTS) on UART0 Only
    • 16-Byte FIFO
    • 16x or 13x Oversampling Option
  • LCD Controller (TMS320C6747 Only)
  • Two Serial Peripheral Interfaces (SPIs) Each with One Chip Select
  • Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Interface with Secure Data I/O (SDIO)
  • Two Master and Slave Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C Bus™)
  • One Host-Port Interface (HPI) with 16-Bit-Wide Muxed Address/Data Bus for High Bandwidth (TMS320C6747 Only)
  • Programmable Real-Time Unit Subsystem (PRUSS)
    • Two Independent Programmable Realtime Unit (PRU) Cores
      • 32-Bit Load and Store RISC Architecture
      • 4KB of Instruction RAM per Core
      • 512 Bytes of Data RAM per Core
      • PRUSS can be Disabled via Software to Save Power
    • Standard Power-Management Mechanism
      • Clock Gating
      • Entire Subsystem Under a Single PSC Clock Gating Domain
    • Dedicated Interrupt Controller
    • Dedicated Switched Central Resource
  • USB 1.1 OHCI (Host) with Integrated PHY (USB1) (TMS320C6747 Only)
  • USB 2.0 OTG Port with Integrated PHY (USB0)
    • USB 2.0 High- and Full-Speed Client (TMS320C6747)
    • USB 2.0 Full-Speed Client (TMS320C6745)
    • USB 2.0 High-, Full-, and Low-Speed Host (TMS320C6747)
    • USB 2.0 Full- and Low-Speed Host (TMS320C6745)
    • High-Speed Functionality Available on TMS320C6747 Device Only
    • End Point 0 (Control)
    • End Points 1,2,3,4 (Control, Bulk, Interrupt or ISOC) RX and TX
  • Three Multichannel Audio Serial Ports (McASPs):
    • TMS320C6747 Supports 3 McASPs
    • TMS320C6745 Supports 2 McASPs
    • Six Clock Zones and 28 Serial Data Pins
    • Supports TDM, I2S, and Similar Formats
    • DIT-Capable (McASP2)
    • FIFO Buffers for Transmit and Receive
  • 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC (EMAC):
    • IEEE 802.3 Compliant (3.3-V I/O Only)
    • RMII Media-Independent Interface
    • Management Data I/O (MDIO) Module
  • Real-Time Clock with 32-kHz Oscillator and Separate Power Rail (TMS320C6747 Only)
  • One 64-Bit General-Purpose Timer (Configurable as Two 32-Bit Timers)
  • One 64-Bit General-Purpose Watchdog Timer (Configurable as Two 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers)
  • Three Enhanced Pulse Width Modulators (eHRPWMs):
    • Dedicated 16-Bit Time-Base Counter with Period and Frequency Control
    • 6 Single Edge, 6 Dual Edge Symmetric, or 3 Dual Edge Asymmetric Outputs
    • Dead-Band Generation
    • PWM Chopping by High-Frequency Carrier
    • Trip Zone Input
  • Three 32-Bit Enhanced Capture (eCAP) Modules:
    • Configurable as 3 Capture Inputs or 3 Auxiliary Pulse Width Modulator (APWM) Outputs
    • Single-Shot Capture of up to Four Event Time-Stamps
  • Two 32-Bit Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) Modules
  • TMS320C6747 Device:
    • 256-Ball Pb-Free Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) [ZKB Suffix], 1.0-mm Ball Pitch
  • TMS320C6745 Device:
    • 176-pin PowerPAD™ Plastic Quad Flat Pack [PTP suffix], 0.5-mm Pin Pitch
  • Commercial, Industrial, Extended, or Automotive Temperature

TMS320C6745 に関する概要

The TMS320C6745/6747 device is a low-power digital signal processor based on a TMS320C674x DSP core. It consumes significantly lower power than other members of the TMS320C6000™ platform of DSPs.

The TMS320C6745/6747 device enables original-equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and original-design manufacturers (ODMs) to quickly bring to market devices featuring high processing performance .

The TMS320C6745/6747 DSP core uses a two-level cache-based architecture. The Level 1 program cache (L1P) is a 32-KB direct mapped cache and the Level 1 data cache (L1D) is a 32-KB 2-way set-associative cache. The Level 2 program cache (L2P) consists of a 256-KB memory space that is shared between program and data space. L2 memory can be configured as mapped memory, cache, or combinations of the two. Although the DSP L2 is accessible by other hosts in the system, an additional 128KB of RAM shared memory (TMS320C6747 only) is available for use by other hosts without affecting DSP performance.

The peripheral set includes: a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC (EMAC) with a management data input/output (MDIO) module; two I2C Bus interfaces; 3 multichannel audio serial ports (McASPs) with 16/9 serializers and FIFO buffers; two 64-bit general-purpose timers each configurable (one configurable as watchdog); a configurable 16-bit host-port interface (HPI) [TMS320C6747 only]; up to 8 banks of 16 pins of general-purpose input/output (GPIO) with programmable interrupt/event generation modes, multiplexed with other peripherals; 3 UART interfaces (one with both RTS and CTS); three enhanced high-resolution pulse width modulator (eHRPWM) peripherals; three 32-bit enhanced capture (eCAP) module peripherals which can be configured as 3 capture inputs or 3 auxiliary pulse width modulator (APWM) outputs; two 32-bit enhanced quadrature encoded pulse (eQEP) peripherals; and 2 external memory interfaces: an asynchronous and SDRAM external memory interface (EMIFA) for slower memories or peripherals, and a higher speed memory interface (EMIFB) for SDRAM.

The Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC) provides an efficient interface between the TMS320C6745/6747 device and the network. The EMAC supports both 10Base-T and 100Base-TX, or 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps in either half- or full-duplex mode. Additionally, an MDIO interface is available for PHY configuration.

The rich peripheral set provides the ability to control external peripheral devices and communicate with external processors. For details on each of the peripherals, see the related sections later in this document and the associated peripheral reference guides.


数量 価格

キャリア オプション

パーツの数量に応じて、リール全体、カスタム リール、カット テープ、チューブ、トレイを含め、さまざまなキャリア オプションを選択できます。

カスタム リールとは、ご注文の数量に正確に一致するように 1 本のリールからカットした一定の長さのテープのことであり、ロット コードと日付コードのトレーサビリティを維持できます。業界標準に従い、真鍮製のスペーサーを使用し、カット済みテープの両側に 1 本の 18 インチ (45cm) フラット リーダー (先行) テープと、1 本の 18 インチ (45cm) フラット トレーラ (後続) テープを取り付けた状態であり、自動アセンブリ マシンに直接供給することができます。カスタム リールをご注文になった場合、リール処理料金がかかります。

カット テープとは、リールから切り離した一定の長さのテープのことです。ご注文の数量にあわせて、納品時に複数のカット テープまたは複数の箱に分割されることがあります。

在庫状況により、多くの場合、チューブトレイ デバイスは、箱、またはチューブやトレイに梱包された形態で出荷されます。すべてのテープ、チューブ、またはサンプル ボックスは、TI 社内の静電気放電 (ESD) 保護と湿度感度レベル (MSL) 保護の要件に従って梱包してあります。



カートにご希望の数量を追加し、チェックアウト プロセスを開始すると、既存の在庫からロットまたは日付コードを選択できる各種オプションが表示されます。
