> Type of Materials
> Application Area
> DSP Family
> TMS320C6000
> TMS320C5000
> TMS320C2000
> TMS320C3x
> Other
> Type/Level of Lab
> Major Emphasis of Course
TMS320C2000 DSP Courseware
Name/Title of Material: Simple Experiments using TMS320LF2407
Author: Richard Sikora
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C2000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320F2407 DSK, TMS320F2407 EVM
Type of Materials: Tutorials with sample code
Application area: Control, General Signal Processing
Type/level of lab: General EE, Non-EE, Introductory undergraduate, Advanced undergraduate, TMS320C2000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Application
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 18th March 2002
File types: MS Word, C source files
File: TMS320F2407 Applications.zip (6M)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C, Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: A series of simple applications of the TMS320LF2407. Uses the 2407 DSK to control a stepper motor, dc motor, generate sine waves using PWM, FIR and IIR filters.
Code written mostly in C with some in assembly language for speed.
A 12V 1A DC power supply and an oscilloscope would be useful.
Schematic provided of some basic electronic components costing only a few dollars.
Name/Title of Material: Assembly Language Tutorials for the TMS320C2000 Family
Author: Richard Sikora
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C2000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320F2407 DSK, TMS320F243 DSK, TMS320F2407 EVM, TMS320F243 EVM
Type of Materials: Tutorials with sample code
Application area: Control, General Signal Processing
Type/level of lab: General EE, Non-EE, Introductory undergraduate, TMS320C2000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? No
Type of course for which material was developed: Application
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 18th March 2002
File types: MS Word
File: TMS320F2000 Tutorials.zip (2.4M)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C, Assembler
Description of item(s)/value to others: A series of 10 assembly language tutorials with code. Tested on TMS320F243 DSK, but applicable to all the 'C2000 family. Simple experiments to illustrate use most common assembly language instructions e.g. moving data, adding, multiplication with accumulation. Add on components for DSK will only cost a few dollars. Assumes no previous knowledge of assembly language programming, but does use some basic C code.
Name/Title of material: Hands-on TMS320LF2407 in C
Author: Frank Bormann
University: University of Applied Sciences Zwickau
E-mail: Frank.Bormann@fh-zwickau.de
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C2000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C243 EVM, TMS320C2407 EVM
Type of Materials: Lab Exercises
Application Area: General Signal Processing
Type/level of lab: General EE, Introductory Undergraduate, Introductory graduate, TMS320C2000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: June 2000
Course URL: http://www.fh-zwickau.de/tutorial/dsp
File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF, HTML, C/Assembly/Executable
File: F24x EVM Labs.zip (2.4MB)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C
Description of item(s)/value to others: The labs are based on the TMS320LF2407 EVM / TMS320F243 EVM. They involve two add-on boards for these EVMs. They include LED's,Switches,Potentiometers and an SPI-EEPROM. The aim of the lab is to get all the internal peripherals of this DSP to work. The labs are based on CodeComposer and are programmed in C. The additional boards are manufactured by our university.