> Type of Materials
> Application Area
> DSP Family
> TMS320C6000
> TMS320C5000
> TMS320C2000
> TMS320C3x
> Other
> Type/Level of Lab
> Major Emphasis of Course
TMS320C6000 DSP Courseware
Name/Title of Material: Audio Effects using TMS320C6711 and Audio Daughter Card
Author: Richard Sikora
E-mail: richard@sikora.demon.co.uk
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6711 DSK, Audio Daughter Card
Type of Materials: Lab Exercises
Application area: Audio
Type/level of lab: General EE, Non-EE, Introductory undergraduate, Advanced undergraduate, TMS320C6000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Application
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 18th March 2002
File type: Code Composer Studio Project
File: Audio Effects Using C6711 & ADC.zip (278K)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C
Description of item(s)/value to others: A series of 8 audio applications using the Audio Daughter Card and the TMS320C6711 DSK. Illustrates the use of DSP in audio setting. Applications are controlled by user switches on DSK and use LEDS as bargraph.
Additional equipment required: CD player with cable, multi-media computer loudspeakers. Signal generator or electric guitar.
- Application 1. Alien voices. Using ring-modulation to produce sum and difference frequencies, as used in science- fiction TV/films.
- Application 2. Delays and Echo. Using buffers to generate delayed playback (as used on radio phone-ins). Introduction to Finite Impulse Response (FIR) configuration.
- Application 3. Electronic Crossover. Using FIR filters to divide audio signal into bass and treble.
Application 4. Guitar Effects. Reverberation, treble boost and distortion for electric guitar.
- Application 5. Guitar Tuner. Uses adaptive filter to identify 6 notes of guitar strings.
- Application 6. Record and Playback. Use buffers as to record and playback voice / music. Playback at half-speed and double speed to introduce concepts of decimation and interpolation.
- Application 7. Reverberation. Simulation of echoing room / auditorium using feedback filter. Introduction to Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter configuration.
- Application 8. Signal generator. Generates sine waves sweeping between 60 Hz to 12 kHz to act as test wave forms for filters etc. Sine wave forms generated using recursive equation.
Name/Title of Material: C6701 EVM - Skeleton Programs / Matlab Interface
Author: DSP Department at Signal Processing
University: Royal Institute of Technology
E-mail: s3dsp@s3.kth.se
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6701 EVM
Type of materials: Educational Software
Application areas: Audio, General Signal Processing
Type/level of lab: TMS320C6000
Is the lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed / Last Updated Date: March 2002
Course URL: http://www.s3.kth.se/signal/edu/projekt
File Types: Adobe Acrobat PDF, Code Composer Studio Project, Executable File, HTML
File: c6x_skeletons.zip (7.9M)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C, C++, Assembler, Matlab
Description of item(s)/value to others: Provides a number of skeleton programs to make it easier getting started with the C6701 EVM. Examples of how to implement block based (using DMA), as well as sample based (using polling), signal processing of audio data. Routines for importing/exporting audio data to/from Matlab are also included. An application which displays the impulse response of the acustic channel in real-time serves as an illustrative example of how the an windows interface might be designed and used for controlling the DSP-program.
Unpack the zip-archive and read "readme1st.htm" for how to proceed.
Name/Title of Material: DSP systems design
Author: Evangelos Zigouris
University: University of Patras
E-mail: ez@physics.upatras.gr
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6211 DSK
Type of Materials: Educational software
Application area: Communications, General Signal Processing
Type/level of lab: Advanced graduate
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 28/03/02
File types: Archived Source, Adobe Acrobat PDF
File: DSP System Design.zip (3M)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C
Description of item(s)/value to others: The DSPlab_programs.zip file contains the programs of the laboratory that takes place in the Master course in Electronics, at the Department of Physics, in Patras, Greece. In the DSPlab.pdf the programs and some theory of the applications are described. Finally, the submitted paper to the DSP2002 conference,3-5 July Santorini, Greece, which is based in this real-time DSP course, is in the DSP2002_paper.pdf
Name/Title of Material: Use of Audio Daughter Card with C6711 DSK
Author: Rulph Chassaing
University: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Email: chassaing@msn.com
DSP Device on which this Material is Based: TMS320C6000
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C6711 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab Exercises
Application Area: Audio, General Signal Processing
Type/Level of Lab: General EE, Non-EE, Advanced undergraduate, Introductory graduate, TMS320C6000
Is the Lab a Primary Focus of the Course?: Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which Material is Written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: January 2002
File Type: Executable, C/Assembly Code
File: AudioDC Examples.zip (28.5K)
Computer Language on which Material is based: C, C++
Description of item(s)/value to others: Two examples using TI's stereo codec PCM3003-based Audio Daughter Card with C6711 DSK. Taken from book "DSP Applications Using C and the TMS320C6x DSK" by Rulph Chassaing.
- "Loop" with output=delayed input
- FIR filter implementation
Name/Title of Material: Audio Daughter Card Getting Started Files
Author: Michael Morrow
University: University of Wisconsin-Madison
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6711 DSK, TMS320C6211 DSK
Type of Materials: Educational software
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: July 2002
File type: Archived Source File
File: c6xadc_sample_app.zip (10K)
Description of item(s)/value to others: This is a sample application to help users get started with the TI Audio Daughter Card in an interrupt-driven application. The readme file contains instructions on how to configure the daughtercard, etc.
Name/Title of Material: Introduction to DSP
Author: David Waldo
University: Oklahoma Christian University
E-mail: dwaldo@oc.edu
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6701 EVM
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Audio, General Signal Processing
Type/level of lab: Introductory undergraduate
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Theory
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 5/01
Course URL: http://www.oc.edu/faculty/david.waldo/projects/nsfccli/nsfccli.html
File types: Archived Source File, Code Composer Studio Project, MS Word
Files: labho.zip (31K), codecpoll.zip (59K), codecint.zip(59K)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C
Description of item(s)/value to others: This is part of an NSF sponsored project. Nine laboratory assignments were developed as well as a base set of code for use with the TMS320C6701 EVM boards. The laboratory assignments are:
- Assembly programming basics
- Assembly programming
- C programming basics
- Real-time processing using polling
- Real-time processing using interrupts
- Spectral inversion
- FIR filtering
- IIR filtering
- Adaptive filtering
To aid the students in learning to use the TMS320C6701 EVM some example projects were developed. These projects were the basis for student projects that processed data using the on board CODEC. The projects and files are:
- Polling project: codec_poll.c, codec_poll.h, link.cmd, main.c
- Interrupt project: codec_int.c, codec_int.h, link.cmd, main.c
Name/Title of Material: C6X DSK-Matlab Interface
Author: Michael Morrow
University: University of Wisconsin-Madison
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6711 DSK, TMS320C6211 DSK
Type of Materials: Educational software
Application area: Matlab interface
Type/level of lab: TMS320C6000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: April 2003
File type: Archived Source File
File: c6x_matlab.zip (114K)
Computer Language on which the material is based: Matlab
Description of item(s)/value to others: Supports direct importation of real-time C6X DSK data into Matlab.
Support is provided for the DSK's onboard codec, as well as the TI THS1206 EVM and other codec boards.
A high-level suite of API functions callable from the Matlab command window means that no DSK programming is necessary in order to use the software. Detailed documentation and sample Matlab m-files are provided.
Does not require Code Composer Studio installation on the host computer.
Name/Title of material: C6X DSK Windows Control development
Author: Michael Morrow
University: University of Wisconsin-Madison
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6711 DSK, TMS320C6211 DSK
Type of Materials: Educational software
Application area: General Signal Processing
Type/level of lab: TMS320C6000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 26 August 2002
File type: Archived Source File
File: DSK6Control.zip (608K)
Computer Language on which the material is based: Matlab
Description of item(s)/value to others: A complete sample for development of Windows applications to control the C6X11 DSK. A full Visual C++ project, and a CCS 2.X project, are provided to build a fully functional example application set. With this support, students can create stand-alone DSK applications with a graphical user interface on the host PC, and be able to run them from other computers with a minimal amount of software installation.
Communication between the host PC and the DSK is based on the winDSK6 kernel, and does not require that Code Composer Studio be installed on the host PC. Multiple parallel port configurations are supported, and reasonably high data rates are obtained by using the DSK host port interface for all communications. Requires Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 for the host side application, and Code Composer Studio version 2.X for the DSK application.
Extract to the desired directory using folder names. Additional details are contained in the file 'DSK6Control.txt'.
Name/Title of Material: winDSK6
Author: Michael Morrow
University: University of Wisconsin-Madison
DSP Platform on which Material is Based: TMS320C6000
DSP Device on which Material is Based: TMS320C6000
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C6211 DSK, TMS320C6711 DSK
Type of Material: Educational Software
Application Area: Audio, General Signal Processing
Type/Level of Lab: General EE, Non-EE, Introductory Undergraduate, TMS320C6000
Is the Lab a Primary Focus of the Course?: No
Major Emphasis of Course for which Material was Developed: Application
Language in which Material is Written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: August 26, 2002
File Types: Executable File
File:winDSK6.zip (1184K)
Computer Language in which Material is Written: Executable
Description/Value to Others: winDSK6 is a Windows 9X/NT/2000 demonstration and debugging program for use with the TMS320C6X11 DSK. It supports a number of analog interfaces in addition to the DSK's onboard codec, including several stereo codec daughtercards and the Texas Instruments THS1206 EVM.
Supported demonstrations include; sampling/quantization effects, oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer, arbitrary waveform generator, notch/bandpass filter, graphic equalizer, audio effects, DTMF generator and guitar synthesizer. An HPI Interface application facilitates the development and debugging of host PC Windows applications that communicate with the DSK.
Extract the files to a temporary directory, and run setup.exe. The winDSK6 help files contain information on operating the program. winDSK6 does not require Code Composer Studio for operation.
Name/Title of Material: TMS320C6000 EVM Support Files
Author: Texas Instruments
DSP Platform on which Material is Based: TMS320C6000
DSP Device on which Material is Based: TMS320C6201, TMS320C6701
DSP Development Tools Used in Material: TMS320C6201 EVM, TMS320C6701 EVM
Language in which Material is Written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 1999
File Types: Executable, Library, Header
File:C6000 EVM Support Files.zip (10K)
Description/Value to Others: These are library files included in Code Composer Studio™ IDE v1.2 that were replaced by the Chip Support Library (CSL) in CCStudio v2.x. These older files may be useful for people using textbooks based on an older version of CCStudio. They will make users of CCStudio v2.x able to conduct labs originally written for the older version of the IDE.
First Name: Dan
Last Name: Block
University: University of Illinois
E-mail: d-block@uicu.edu
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6711 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application area: Control
Type/level of lab: Advanced undergraduate | Introductory graduate | TMS320C6000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Name/Title of material: Lab Exersizes for the Course "Digital Control of Dynamic Systems"
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: 11/02
Course URL: http://www.ece.uiuc.edu/coecsl/ge324
File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF | MS WordOther Lab Write Ups
File: controllabs.zip (1Mb)
File type: Code Composer Studio ProjectOther Starter Code and DSP/BIOS configurations, HTMLOther Web site index file
File size: 1Mb, 1K
Computer Language on which the material is based: C
Description of item(s)/value to others:
Set of 11 laboratories to be used in a Digital control class. All experiments based on the Mechatronics Control Kit sold by Quanser. www.quanser.com.
Title of Material: Signal Processing Lab, TUGraz
Author: Christian Feldbauer
University: Graz University of Technology
E-mail: feldbauer@inw.tugraz.at
DSP device on which material is based: TMS320C6000
DSP development tools used in material: TMS320C6711 DSK
Type of Materials: Lab exercises
Application Area: General Signal Processing
Type/Level of Lab: General EE, Advanced undergraduate, TMS320C6000
Is the Lab a primary focus of the course? Yes
Type of course for which material was developed: Lab
Language in which material is written: English
Developed/Last Updated Date: Apr. 2003
Course URL: http://spsc.inw.tugraz.at/courses/dsplab
File type: Adobe Acrobat PDF, Archived Source File
File: C6000 DSP Lab.zip (1.2MB)
Computer Language on which the material is based: C, Assembler, Matlab
Description of item: Laboratory course material (lab exercises and source code) for 6 labs. Experiments cover fundamental concepts of digital signal processing like sampling and aliasing, quantization in A/D conversion and in internal arithmetic operations, digital filter design and implementation, spectrum estimation and fast transforms, sampling-rate conversion and multi-rate processing. Application experiments address a selection of multi-media and digital communications problems where visual and auditory feedback is used to demonstrate the desired effects and artifacts of digital processing.