DRV8305N 3-Phase Motor Drive BoosterPack Evaluation Module


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The BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM is a 15A, 3-phase brushless DC drive stage based on the DRV8305 motor gate driver and CSD18540Q5B NexFET™ power MOSFET. The module has individual DC bus and phase voltage sense as well as individual low-side current shunt sense for sensorless BLDC algorithms. The module supplies MCU 3.3V power with the LMR16006 0.6A step down buck regulator. The drive stage is fully protected with short circuit, thermal, shoot-through, and under voltage protection and easily configurable via a SPI interface.

The module is ideal for evaluating and rapidly developing with the DRV8305. It is designed to work with compatible XL LaunchPads. The BoosterPack can be combined with LAUNCHXL-F28207F for InstaSPIN-FOC or up to two BoosterPacks can be combined with LAUNCHXL-F28069M for InstaSPIN-FOC or InstaSPIN-MOTION. InstaSPIN solutions are supported through MotorWare.

MathWorks MATLAB & Simulink example models include the following:



  • 4.4V to 45V voltage supply input
  • Supports up to 20A peak, 15A continuous current ouput
  • Provides phase voltage and current feedback for sensorless BLDC control solutions
  • Complete brushless DC drive stage in ultra compact form factor (2.0" x 2.2")
  • Full protected drive stage including short circuit, thermal, shoot-through, and under-voltage protection

Get started

BLDC drivers
DRV8305 45-V max 3-phase smart gate driver with current shunt amplifiers & SPI DRV8305-Q1 Automotive 12-V battery 3-phase smart gate driver (grade 0 & grade 1)


AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET)
LMR16006 SIMPLE SWITCHER® 4V to 60V, 600mA Step-Down Regulator with Low Iq


C2000 real-time microcontrollers
TMS320F28020 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 40 MHz, 32 KB flash, 8 PWM TMS320F28021 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 40 MHz, 64 KB flash TMS320F28022 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 50 MHz, 32 KB flash, 8 PWM TMS320F28022-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 50 MHz, 32 KB flash, 8 PWM TMS320F28023 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 50 MHz, 64 KB flash TMS320F28023-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 50 MHz, 64 KB flash TMS320F28026 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 60-MHz, 32-kb flash TMS320F28026-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 60 MHz, 32 KB flash TMS320F28026F C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 60 MHz, 32 KB flash, InstaSPIN-FOC TMS320F28027 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 60 MHz, 64 KB flash TMS320F28027-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 60 MHz, 64 KB flash TMS320F28027F C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 60 MHz, 64 KB flash, InstaSPIN-FOC TMS320F28027F-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 60 MHz, 64 KB flash, InstaSPIN-FOC TMS320F28069F C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 90 MHz, FPU, VCU, CLA, 256 KB flash, InstaSPIN-FOC TMS320F28069F-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 90 MHz, FPU, VCU, CLA, 256 KB flash, InstaSPIN-FOC TMS320F28069M C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 90 MHz, FPU, VCU, CLA, 256 KB flash, InstaSPIN-MOTION TMS320F28069M-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 90 MHz, FPU, VCU, CLA, 256 KB flash, InstaSPIN-MOTION


CSD18540Q5B 60-V, N channel NexFET™ power MOSFET, single SON 5 mm x 6 mm, 2.2 mOhm
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Get started

  1. Order the BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM and 1) LAUNCHXL-F28207F or 2) LAUNCHXL-F28069M
  2. Follow the instructions in the BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM User's Guide (Rev. A)

Order & start development

Evaluation board

BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM — DRV8305N 3-Phase Motor Drive BoosterPack Evaluation Module

Development kit

LP379D-BP8305-DYNO-BNDL — LAUNCHXL-F28379D + (2) BOOSTXL-DRV8305 + 2MTR-DYNO Bundle

TI's Standard Terms and Conditions for Evaluation Items apply.

Design files

Technical documentation

= Top documentation selected by TI
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View all 6
Type Title Date
* EVM User's guide BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM User's Guide (Rev. A) 31 May 2017
User guide InstaSPIN-FOC and InstaSPIN-MOTION User's Guide (Rev. I) PDF | HTML 14 Oct 2021
White paper Piccolo™ C2000™ MCUs enable the next generation of low-cost, dual-axis servo dri (Rev. A) 13 Jul 2020
Certificate BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM EC Declaration of Conformity (DoC) (Rev. A) 02 Jan 2019
Application note Sensorless-FOC With Flux-Weakening and MTPA for IPMSM Motor Drives 17 Apr 2018
Technical article Tools to simplify brushless motor development PDF | HTML 11 Sep 2015

Related design resources

Hardware development

LP-AM261 AM261x Arm®-based MCU general-purpose LaunchPad™ development kit

Software development

MOTORWARE MotorWare™ Software
INSTASPINUNIVERSALGUI GUI Composer Runtime Installation and Webapp for MotorWare Universal GUI
MATHW-3P-SLEC MathWorks MATLAB, Simulink, C2000 Microcontroller Blockset and Embedded coder

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