256 Wiper Positions Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometer


Design files


The TPL0501 is a single channel, linear-taper digital potentiometer with 256 wiper positions. This device can be used as a three-terminal potentiometer or as a two-terminal rheostat. The TPL0501 has an end–to-end resistance of 100kΩ. The internal registers of the TPL0501 can be accessed using a SPI-compatible interface. The TPL0501 has a nominal temperature coefficient of 35ppm/°C.

  • Works with low cost MSP430 based LaunchPad platform
  • Simple GUI to control EVM
  • EVM can be operated in two different modes
  • Adjustable Voltage reference mode
  • Variable gain mode
  • Board is entirely powered by USB
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Design files & products

Design files

Download ready-to-use system files to speed your design process.

TIDR879.PDF (144 K)

Detailed schematic diagram for design layout and components

TIDR882.PDF (35 K)

Complete listing of design components, reference designators, and manufacturers/part numbers

TIDC513.ZIP (32 K)

Design file that contains information on physical board layer of design PCB

TIDC514.ZIP (54 K)

Design file that contains information on physical board layer of design PCB


Includes TI products in the design and potential alternatives.

General-purpose op amps

LM321Single, 30-V, 1-MHz operational amplifier

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MSP430 microcontrollers

MSP430G255316 MHz MCU with 16KB Flash, 512B SRAM, comparator, UART/SPI/I2C, timer

Data sheet: PDF

Start development


Interface adapter

BOOST-CCEMADAPTER — EM Adapter BoosterPack

The purpose of the EM adapter board is to provide an-easy-to-use bridge between any of the TI MCU LaunchPads and the wide variety of TI RF evaluation modules (EM), for instance the CCxxxx Low-Power RF evaluation modules. No specific software is provided, so it is up to the user to write the (...)
User guide: PDF | HTML
Buy from a distributor
Evaluation board

TPL0501EVM — TPL0501 256-tap single-channel digital potentiometer with SPI evaluation module

The TPL0501 is a single channel, linear-taper digital potentiometer with 256 wiper positions. This device can be used as a three-terminal potentiometer or as a two-terminal rheostat. The TPL0501 has an end–to-end resistance of 100kΩ. The internal registers of the TPL0501 can be accessed using a (...)

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Support software

TIDC512 256 Wiper Positions Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometer Software

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