This EVM serves as an interface adapter or a bridge between a host PC and one or multiple targeted devices through a standard type-A to mini-B USB cable. The communication between the USB interface adapter and the host PC is via USB, while the communication between the USB interface adapter and the target device(s) is through an inter-integrated circuit (I²C), general-purpose inputs and outputs GPIOs or both. The bridge converts communication transactions between the USB and I²C/GPIO.
- Supports Primary mode I²C, SMBus or PMBus as well as GPIO
- Selects different clock speeds 100 kHz, 400 kHz, or 1 MHz for I²C, PMBus™, or SMBus™ communications
- Configure different pull-up resistors for clock, data, and ALERT signals including open-drain
- Supports flexiable I²C read or write transactions