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Motor Control SDK for AM263x

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Latest version
Release date: Feb 5, 2025
lock = Requires export approval (1 minute)
Arm Cortex-R MCUs
AM2631 Single-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2632 Dual-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2634 Quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security
Hardware development
Evaluation board
LP-AM263 AM263x Arm®-based MCU general-purpose LaunchPad™ development kit TMDSCNCD263 AM263x general-purpose controlCARD™ development kit Arm®-based MCU


Documentation - START HERE

Motor Control SDK Manifest

Download CCS 12.8.0 Version for Windows or Linux

Download TI ARM CLANG 4.0.0 LTS for Windows or Linux

Download SysConfig 1.21.0 for Windows or Linux

Release Information

Thank you for your interest in the AM263x Motor Control Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch.

  • This SDK contains examples, libraries, and tools to develop RTOS and no-RTOS based applications enabling real-time communication for position and current sense from motors, and real-time control libraries
  • This SDK also includes Industrial Communications SDK and MCU+ SDK.
  • The exact content of the SDK depends on the capabilities of the device, but all devices share common APIs and build on existing proven software components to ensure reliability and quality.
  • The software components are fully tested to ensure that they work together with TI’s Code Composer Studio integrated development environment

What's new

  • Position Sense: BiSS-C, EnDat 2.2, Nikon A-Format, Tamagawa over PRU 3-channel interface
  • SDK contains INDUSTRIAL-COMMUNICATIONS-SDK-AM263X version and MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X version