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LM51xx Schematic Review Template

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Release date: Apr 7, 2022
Half-bridge drivers
LM25101 3-A, 2-A or 1-A half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and TTL inputs LM5100A 3-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and CMOS inputs LM5100B 2-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and CMOS inputs LM5100C 1-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and CMOS Imputs LM5101 High voltage high side and low side gate driver LM5101A 3-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and TTL inputs LM5101B 2-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and TTL inputs LM5101C 1-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and TTL Imputs LM5102 2-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and programmable delay LM5104 2-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and adaptive delay LM5106 1.2-A, 1.8-A 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8V-UVLO and programmable dead-time LM5107 1.4-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO LM5108 2.6-A, 110-V half bridge gate driver with enable and interlock LM5109A 1-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO LM5109B 1-A, 100-V half bridge gate driver with 8-V UVLO and high noise immunity

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