UCD3138064 評価モジュール
The Texas Instruments UCD3138064EVM-166 evaluation module (EVM) functions as a control card for UCD3138064 digital controller for isolated power applications from Texas Instruments. The EVM can be used either as a stand-alone board to study the UCD3138064 device or as a control card for implementing a fully regulated power converter based on topologies such as PFC, Half-Bridge Resonant LLC and Phase Shift Full-Bridge. This is implemented by downloading the appropriate firmware into the UCD3138064 device in the EVM and establishing interface with a suitable power stage board from the end user. In order to assist in the evaluation of common isolated power topologies, UCD3138064EVM-166 evaluation module has been designed to interface seamlessly with the UCD3138PFCEVM-026 Digital PFC Pre-regulator EVM, UCD3138PSFBEVM-027 Digital Phase-shifted Full-Bridge DC/DC Converter EVM, and UCD3138LLCEVM-028 Digital LLC Half-bridge DC/DC Converter EVM also available from Texas Instruments. NOTE: In order to download firmware and program the UCD3138064 controller in UCD3138064EVM-166, a separate EVM from Texas Instruments known as the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter is required. The USB-TO-GPIO Adapter is NOT supplied with UCD3138064EVM-166 evaluation module and must be purchased separately. The USB-TO-GPIO Adapter serves as a communication interface adaptor or a bridge between a host PC (IBM compatible) and one or multiple slave devices via a standard type-A to mini-B USB cable. The USB-TO-GPIO Adapter is listed below in the related products section.
- UCD3138064RGC digital controller PMBus Connector to interface with USB-to-GPIO Adapter, for communication with host PC
- Includes On-board SPI and I2C accessible EEPROMs for additional memory storage
- 40-pin Digital Signal Connector to Connect Digital Signals to Power Converters
- 40-pin Analog Signal Connector to Connect Analog Signals to Power Converters
- LED Indicator
- Rich Test Points to Facilitate the Device Evaluation, System Design and Circuit and Firmware Debugging