UCD3138 ハード・スイッチ・フル・ブリッジ
UCD3138 Hard Switched Full Bridge (HSFB) topology firmware gets a designer through evaluation to production in power supply designs based on high power Hard Switched Full Bridge topology by providing all-inclusive firmware with input voltage feed forward, copper trace current sensing, on the fly dead time and switching frequency adjustment and startup into pre-bias.
This firmware comes with native support for following features:
- Excellent voltage regulation and line regulation
- Input voltage feedforward
- Output voltage soft start with pre-bias
- Load current sharing
- Copper trace current sensing with temperature compensation
- Oversampling Function for Enhanced Transient response
- Fully programmable dead-time for efficiency optimization
- Constant power/constant current overload protection
- Cycle-by-cycle current limiting
- Short-circuit protection with automatic re-start
- PMBus1.2 (400 KHz) for telemetry
What’s Included:
- Application demo code
- EVM and firmware documentation