4 Revision History
Changes from Revision E (August 2019) to Revision F (November 2020)
- 文書全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
- Changed maximum flash size from 64-Mb to 128-Mb Go
- Changed GPIO_08 (PROJ_ON) pulse width requirement and added a
requirement to keep GPIO_08 high until HOST_IRQ goes low Go
- Changed the package designator description for the DLPC3430 to match the actual packageGo
Changes from Revision D (May 2019) to Revision E (August 2019)
- 一般的なデータシートのフォーマットと注文情報を更新Go
- Deleted mention of mirror parking time from PARKZ pin description and moved to a specification tableGo
- Changed JTAG pin names from Reserved to proper names Go
- Deleted support for adjustable DATAEN_CMD polarity Go
- Deleted mention of a specific 3D command Go
- Deleted support for adjusting PCLK capture edge in software Go
- Changed the description of how to use the CMP_OUT pin and corrected how the comparator must use GPIO_10 (RC_CHARGE) instead of CMP_PWM Go
- Deleted support for CMP_PWMGo
- Added note about VCC_INTF power up recommendations if secondary devices are on the
I2C bus Go
- Deleted mention of unsupported keypad inputs Go
- Corrected optional MTR_SENSE support to GPIO_18 instead of GPIO_19 Go
- Deleted mention of unsupported light sensor on GPIO_13 and GPIO_12 Go
- Deleted reference of the RC_CHARGE circuit being used for the light sensor and added reference of it being used for the thermistor Go
- Deleted reference of the LS_PWR circuit being used for the light sensorGo
- Deleted mention of the unsupported LABB output sample and hold sensor control signalGo
- Clarified GPIO_03 - GPIO_01 pins are required to be used as a SPI1 portGo
- Deleted misleading note about GPIO pins defaulting to inputs Go
- Corrected how pins are mentioned that are only available on the DLPC3435Go
- Added missing I/O definition 10 Go
- Deleted unneeded VCC_INTF and VCC_FLSH absolute maximum values Go
- Added high voltage tolerant note to Absolute Maximum Ratings table Go
- Changed incorrect pin tolerance Go
- Changed Power Electrical Characteristics table to reflect updated power measurement values and techniques Go
- Deleted reference to unsupported IDLE mode Go
- Added note that the power numbers vary depending on the utilized softwareGo
- Changed and fixed incorrect test conditions for current drive strengthsGo
- Deleted redundant ǀVODǀ specification which is referenced in later sectionsGo
- Added minimum and maximum values for VOH for I/O type 4Go
- Added minimum and maximum values for VOL for I/O type 4Go
- Deleted incorrect reference to 2.5V, 24mA drive Go
- Corrected I2C buffer test conditionsGo
- Deleted incorrect steady-state common mode voltage reference Go
- Changed high voltage tolerant I/O note to only refer to the I2C buffer and changed VCC to VCC_INTF.Go
- Added |VOD| minimum and maximum values, and changed the typical value.Go
- Added high-level output voltage minimum and maximum values for the sub-LVDS DMD interface, deleted redundant mention of specification, and changed the typical value. Go
- Added low-level output voltage minimum and maximum values for the sub-LVDS DMD interface, deleted redundant mention of specification, and changed the typical value. Go
- Corrected the name of the DMD Low-Speed signals from inputs to outputs. Go
- Deleted VOH(DC) maximum and VOL(DC) minimum values. Go
- Added note about DMD input specs being met if a proper series termination resistor is used Go
- Deleted reference of selecting unsupported oscillator frequency Go
- Corrected system oscillator clock period to match clock frequency Go
- Changed pulse duration percent spec from a maximum to a minimum Go
- Added condition for VDD rise time Go
- Deleted the incorrect part of the tp_tvb definitionGo
- Deleted unneeded total horizontal blanking equation Go
- Changed minimum total vertical blanking equation Go
- Increased maximum PCLK from 150MHz to 155MHz Go
- Deleted reference to various signal's active edges being configurable Go
- Changed the minimum flash SPI_CLK frequencyGo
- Corrected flash interface clock period to match clock frequency Go
- Added Section 6.17 section to more clearly list signal transition time
- Changed DMD HS Clock switching rate from maximum to nominal and added accompanying clock specification Go
- Added Section 6.19 sectionGo
- Added the Section 6.20 section to clarify chipset support requirementsGo
- Changed how chipset support is mentioned in the Detailed Description section Go
- Increased maximum frame rate from 122 Hz to 242 Hz Go
- Deleted support for 3D video over DSI Go
- Deleted reference to internal software tools and clarified how firmware affects the supported resolution and frame rates Go
- Added note stating bits per pixel limitation at 120 Hz with DSI inputGo
- Added note that up to four DSI lanes may be required to fully utilize the bandwidth Go
- Deleted mention of sequencer sync mode as its generally assumed to be autoGo
- Clarified note about VSYNC_WE needing to remain active Go
- Deleted support for changing the clock active edge and clarified support of changing the sync active edgeGo
- Changed the DATAEN_CMD signal to not be optional Go
- Added note that LP mode is required during vertical time for DSI Go
- Changed requirement related to DSI initialization Go
- Deleted incorrect DSI data type; see software programmers guide
- Added information that the parallel interface isn't ready to accept data until the auto-initialization process is completedGo
- Changed how the 500 ms startup time is described Go
- Changed SPI flash key timing parameter access frequency minimum and maximum valuesGo
- Changed maximum flash size supported from 16Mb to 64Mb Go
- Deleted SPI signal routing section Go
- Deleted support for a light sensor integrated with the DLPC34xx controller Go
- Added missing timing definitions Go
- Clarified that the mentioned SDR clock speed is the typical valueGo
- Changed how the DMD Sub-LVDS Interface requirements are mentioned Go
- Deleted DMD Interface stack-up image Go
- Deleted equation concerning DMD interface system timing margin Go
- Changed the description of how PROJ_ON affects the power supplies Go
- Changed which signals are listed as tri-stated at power up and which signals are pulled low Go
- Changed 1-oz copper plane recommendation Go
- Deleted reference to unsupported option of variable frequency
reference clockGo
- Added additional DMD data and DMD clock signal matching requirements Go
- Changed maximum mismatch from ±0.1" to ±1.0" Go
- Changed incorrect signal matching requirement table noteGo
- Changed differential signal layer change to a recommendationGo
- Changed wording requiring no more than two vias on certain DMD
signals Go
- Changed device markings image and definitions Go
Changes from Revision C (July 2016) to Revision D (May 2019)
- Changed mirror parking time from "500 μs" to "20 ms" for PARKZ description in Pin Functions tableGo
- Updated mirror parking time from "500 μs" to "20 ms" in Figure 27. DLPC343x Power-Up / PARKZ = 0 Initiated Fast PARK and Power-Down
Changes from Revision A (January 2016) to Revision B (February 2016)
- データシート全体を通して、DLPC3430 および DLPC3435 コントローラを正しい情報に更新し、テキストおよび画像の型番を DLPC3430 および DLPC3435 に訂正Go
Changes from Revision * (July 2014) to Revision A (January 2016)
- Updated Section image and tableGo