JAJSMH6F July 2021 – August 2024 TPS7H5001-SP , TPS7H5002-SP , TPS7H5003-SP , TPS7H5004-SP
The TPS7H500x-SP controllers are designed to operate from an input voltage supply range between 4 V and 14 V. The input voltage supply for the controller should be well regulated and properly bypassed for best electrical performance. A minimum input bypass capacitor of 0.1 µF is required from VIN to AVSS, but additional capacitance can be used to help improve the noise and radiation performance of the controller. It is recommended to use ceramic capacitors (X5R or better) for bypassing, and these capacitors should be placed as close as possible to the controller with a low impedance path to AVSS. Additional bulk capacitors should be used if the input supply is more than a few inches from TPS7H500x-SP controller.